Yes, that is true. The ‘joke’ was in the megalomaniacal narcissist who was using it. Ergo this shit about Bernie being a non-story.
Yes, that is true. The ‘joke’ was in the megalomaniacal narcissist who was using it. Ergo this shit about Bernie being a non-story.
I feel like in a hellscape of a time continuum where a former president demanded a Diet Coke button at the Resolute Desk that looked like a button that may also have unleashed the nukes, this is a fucking non-story.
“walking strawman argument.”
Lot a gatekeepers around here.
Soooooo, she’s claiming to be fired for not having her dog on a leash in a public park?
Texas republicans ARE for abortions, but, the apparent stipulation is that it’s only after a person is out of the womb and it’s random rather than sought out, and has nothing to do with anyone’s health.
Wow, in the category of ill advised redemption tours.......... Sorry, this is fucked, wow.
Not from what I saw............
Awesome, congratulations!
Huh. Thought they were gore capris’
Fuck yeah!
Just wow. Just fucking wow.
For a second there I thought you were talking about the Bacardi. Blech. ;)
What do you know? A real PizzaGaetz.
Well he sure is fucking right about good people avoiding running for office, since he certainly does not fit the description.
Yeah, I get the “shrinking the Star Wars galaxy” complaint, but unless it’s anything so egregious as Darth Vader putting C-3P0 together, I don’t think it really needs to be mentioned that this is a thing that should be expected in SW.
Wow this is a spectacularly bad take.