“I was sorry she was feeling threatened because that was not the intention at all,” Kellogg told the paper. “But I was surprised she was upset. Young people are fairly quick to make judgments. She was lacking in some perspective.”
“I was sorry she was feeling threatened because that was not the intention at all,” Kellogg told the paper. “But I was surprised she was upset. Young people are fairly quick to make judgments. She was lacking in some perspective.”
Honey Roasted Peanuts are definitely that good. :D
That doesn’t seem fair if there are multiple corroborating reports from other news entities. The article is fine.
Another addition to the Bag, Maxwell has to show it all!
“...would likely die in prison.”
It’s still the first wave in the U.S.
DOOM Eternal says hi!
The irony is Republican’s are the only one’s towing a radical socialist agenda, by only applying socialist concepts to corporate entities and the obscenely wealthy (not to mention themselves).
I truly hope that’s true.
I think it’s worth mentioning that between the Imperial Materials (at least one AT-ST as far as we know) and her proficiency with weapons on an otherwise insanely peaceful backwater farming world that it’s plausible Omera may have been trying to leave life in the Empire behind.
That’s a shame, it would be fucking easy to mod Mancubus into Chump.
Controller batteries dying in basically any From game. It’s so easy to get pulled into what you’re doing in any of them that you miss the low battery notifications (or acknowledge and ignore thinking you can maybe make it to a safe zone for a swap out) and bam, all of a sudden your character is standing there like an…
I don’t believe it’s that benevolent.
The mentality of these demented fucks, is even in light of all the evidence you can throw at them, it will never put a dent in the feeling of intellectual superiority of “knowing the truth everyone else denies”.
It’s probably time to put together a writers collective that uses counter-espionage methods to raze the QAnon movement.
That is tremendously fucked up.
You win.
Really? Not seeing it.
You are clearly an optimist.
Highest court in the land logic!