
Hopewell Township is only about 10 miles from Grovers Mill, as the tripod walks.

I bet Trump is happy his tiny penis got him out of this charge.

Absolutely. I knew I couldn't be the only one to think that.

Nah, I much prefer the “Stan Lee was a Watcher” theory. :) 

No, “Who are you” “I’m Batman” is iconic. Him saying “Yeah, I’m Batman” while smirking and almost rolling his eyes is not.

It would not have been able to compete in the theatrical marketplace; it was built for the small screen”
soooo, release on the small screen? As originally planned?

Came here for this. Not disappointed.

Swearing on a Bible (or any religious text) is one of those things that we just accept but when you think about it for a second you realise that it’s actually an incredibly silly thing to do. 

I would get sworn in on the edited book that includes a chapter I wrote about how no one in the House is actually sworn in on anything at all. They take the oath en masse at their desks without any particular objects. Hands on Bibles/comics/the Constitution are staged later for photo ops only.

Also, since the

Honestly, if I was a left-leaning American, Superman #1 would be a pretty solid choice. IIRC, it reprint the original story from Action Comics #1 with an additional chapter where Superman fight war profiteers lobbying congress to prolong wars in South and Central America, and another story from Action Comics #2 where

One of either Tolkien’s The Hobbit, Dumas’ Le Comte de Monte-Cristo, or Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking.

In all honesty, the PHB and MM will suit 90% of the games, there’s no need to “keep up.” Just state this is what you’re using and other books won’t be. If you run the game, it’s your game and you can run it the way you want. ALL rules and lore are optional, this isn’t the NCAA. Same goes with the “direction” WoTC is


I like to say “Happy Christmas” just to mildly discomfort people. :)

Maher has always been a smug asshole who thought he was more enlightened than anyone else. 

Now playing

The writing and directing here, to say nothing of the voice acting, is by people who truly understand how these characters clicked in their original classic comics, and deftly updated it for modern times AND kept it within the bounds of family friendly entertainment.

That’s your definition of it but not everyone’s.

This one hurts.

For those who need it - Conroy himself on death and the passing of those who matter to you.

My Dyson may be the only overly expensive purchase that I’ve ever made that I’m 100% satisfied with.