
Of course we can’t forget:

Mostly. A feminist movie at the time, it’s actually a little more conservative than mainstream society is today, but not to a “all you female graduates must really be excited to be having babies some day” degree.

His tongue wraps around his skull, like a woodpecker, to absorb the kinetic backlash

A really long tongue? No wonder Jean Gray is interested.

“God Gave Rock ‘n’ Roll To You II,” a musical crime from the 1991 album Revenge.

But it’s just dumb comic book science so ... Fine - I hate it - but Fine.”

First of all, I too enjoyed the film, but also immediately thought of Spaceballs when they started sucking the air off the planet. I’m like, “This is big budget Spaceballs!” It even came complete with a Planet of the Apes trailer!

As to your

Captains Marvel

This is when you need a hero to leak the finished film onto the internet.  If my tax dollar’s paid for it I’m going to see it dammit.

Amazon didn’t pay $5B in taxes they should’ve owed. At least I pay my fucking taxes.

Yeah, I think it was less about the name change (which was stupid) and more about killing all of the content / shows.

Once Succession and Barry ended I wasn’t watching much so I canceled. Coincided with the name change.

I’m curious if a condensate pump may be better suited for the drain side - it uses a float switch to operate, so less risk of it running dry and no need to setup timing. It will be a little more expensive than a cheap pond pump, but I’m thinking may be better suited for the job?

More of this kind of stuff on Lifehacker, please!

I don’t understand why this isn’t a helmet...?

Unless that's Talos or another Skrull.

Good animators are actors who know how to embody the physicality of acting. They don’t necessarily need motion capture for that.

I don’t love Bebop without Rocksteady, but this is going to be an amazing movie regardless.

I don’t know where you’re hanging out and seeing this, but I only see cis being used as descriptor in the same sense as trans without any negative connotation. The only negativity I see at times is when someone is frustrated with someone or the group of people that the word describes, but that would apply to any

He’s kind of right - cis-gender is a group designation with negative connotations that is most often used to criticize and condemn.

They’re the Evil Twin, as clearly noted.