
The obvious answer is, “In M’ah BELLEH!”

If they go back to the fables and HC Anderson they could push this to Hard R.

Okay, I don’t know if anyone will see this because this article is a little old, but I think I’ve got the hotdog/sandwich thing figured out:
A sandwich is an assembly of pieces of things* in bread.
(*down to the limiting case of one piece of a thing)

RINO and DINO are fairly old political insults, predating Trump. You can tell because they’re somewhat clever. That said, they’re definitely used just like you said, to belittle those who won’t bend the knee to whomever, whether that’s Trump or orthodox party leadership.

#7 - The flashing-light thing was something my dad taught me that surprisingly few people seem to know.
Quick flash of the brights means you’re clear to change lanes/take other action. Afterward a quick flash of the hazard lights sends a “thank you”.

Great article! Skimmed it during a distraction break from work and it seems there are many good tips, some I’ve seen before and a few new.
I will now tuck the tab away into the sector of my tab forest designated for “Productivity/Self-Improvement Hacks” (just left of the Recipes I’m definitely going to try) where I

A man looked out into the vast, infinitely spanning void of the cosmos and thought, “Nice, I could exploit that.”

I refuse. I don’t care about the Karman line, he’s no more an astronaut than someone doing the conga on a cruise ship is a mariner. He was cargo.

Any readers live in AK and want to go to that car-show to follow this ‘guy’ around with a tuba and a sandwich-board that reads “Consequences”. Just start blasting every time he stops or talks to anyone. 

I personally hope Disney holds the tide against full season drops. I know this war is probably already lost, but putting up the full season at once is the absolute Worst way to experience a show.
“Hi guys! Did you want to see what happens in this exciting, surprising TV show without it being spoiled in the

No. No man...Shit no. I believe somebody’d get their ass kicked for doin’ something like that.

Regarding #5, we’ve had a solution to that for years:

Trying to figure out if I’m a closet narcissist because I immediately clicked this article because I needed to confirm that I’m not exhibiting narcissistic symptoms.

These have been indispensable for washing masks.

Seconding Sexton. Smooth taste, and super cool hexagonal bottle with fancy skull-boy.

Gonna add one: Water!
Hydrate, pace yourself, and (at least try) to minimize tomorrow’s hangover. Slainte!

Now playing

I just hope this leads to more Clickspring episodes. 

I don’t know why, but “alonely” makes me think of this:

@Saccharomyces: Thank you, truly, for an extremely thoughtful and kind response to what was admittedly a bit of a flippant frustrated rant.
You are 100% right in all counter-points. While there are difficulties and barriers to getting help (both internal and external), when it’s important and needed you just have to do