
The obvious answer is, “In M’ah BELLEH!”

Okay, I don’t know if anyone will see this because this article is a little old, but I think I’ve got the hotdog/sandwich thing figured out:
A sandwich is an assembly of pieces of things* in bread.
(*down to the limiting case of one piece of a thing)

#7 - The flashing-light thing was something my dad taught me that surprisingly few people seem to know.
Quick flash of the brights means you’re clear to change lanes/take other action. Afterward a quick flash of the hazard lights sends a “thank you”.

Great article! Skimmed it during a distraction break from work and it seems there are many good tips, some I’ve seen before and a few new.
I will now tuck the tab away into the sector of my tab forest designated for “Productivity/Self-Improvement Hacks” (just left of the Recipes I’m definitely going to try) where I

No. No man...Shit no. I believe somebody’d get their ass kicked for doin’ something like that.

Trying to figure out if I’m a closet narcissist because I immediately clicked this article because I needed to confirm that I’m not exhibiting narcissistic symptoms.

These have been indispensable for washing masks.

Seconding Sexton. Smooth taste, and super cool hexagonal bottle with fancy skull-boy.

Gonna add one: Water!
Hydrate, pace yourself, and (at least try) to minimize tomorrow’s hangover. Slainte!

I don’t know why, but “alonely” makes me think of this:

@Saccharomyces: Thank you, truly, for an extremely thoughtful and kind response to what was admittedly a bit of a flippant frustrated rant.
You are 100% right in all counter-points. While there are difficulties and barriers to getting help (both internal and external), when it’s important and needed you just have to do

This is obviously going to vary between demographics and social circles, but as far as I’ve seen there’s very little social stigma left against therapy.
I’ll tell you what keeps this elderly-millennial man out of therapy:
1) It’s expensive.
2) It’s absurdly difficult to find a therapist - let alone a good personal fit.

“Hello, babies. Welcome to Earth. It’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It’s round and wet and crowded. At the outside, babies, you’ve got about a hundred years here. There’s only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you’ve got to be kind.”
— K. Vonnegut

I’ve just always been amused by the whole yin-yang thing going on with VT/NH: up there like perfectly inverted reflections of each other geographically, ideologically, economically. I just want to mush them together and see if they explode like matter and anti-matter.

Until the last paragraph I was going to say that it made more sense to just absorb the population into Maryland, the same way the Arlington region went back to Virginia.
But I had no idea the population of DC was bigger than Vermont or Wyoming!

As someone that grew up in a considerably more arid zone, I always looked at Snow Days with considerable jealousy. If those snow kids could get a day off for snow we desert dwellers should get Sun days when it’s just too damn hot to exist.

Best coffee tin alternative I’ve found is the big 24/48 oz cans from stewed tomatoes or other sauce ingredients. Not resealable, but usually coated inside to make cleaning easy. Got these scattered everywhere to hold all my small miscellaneous items in kitchen/garage/office.

Bob and Linda Belcher.
Life goals in every category.

And if your style is more log cabin than colorful fabrics you can go to a big box home improvement store and get yourself some wood flooring samples!
Perfect size for coasters, available in an array of colors and patterns, mine have a rubbery backing that makes them anti-slip, and they’re engineered to be tough.

I’m a little late to this, as evil week is over, but if you were to brew those befouled coffee grounds would they carry the noxious odors with them, like a memory of the horrors they’d witnessed? And if you then replaced an annoying roommate/coworker/villain’s coffee with those bathroom coffee beans would that be a