
A part of me really wanted it to turn out that the Spy seasons were also coma dreams and have him wake up into an entirely new mundane environment.
I would have missed the shoot-outs and car chases, but I would have loved the frustration and disgust with how boring life is as an insurance adjuster/car

For me, it has to be the classic, “Be excellent to each other, and Party On, Dudes!”

I mean, of course droids are considered second-class citizens. They’re man-made creations designed to perform certain tasks.

Hiring someone else to homeschool?

At mine it was hydrogen peroxide for soaking and gargles. We had a special shot glass for soaking fingers in H2O2. Also good for cleaning any organic stains (we had easy bleeders in the house).

At mine it was hydrogen peroxide for soaking and gargles. We had a special shot glass for soaking fingers in H2O2.

She’s terrible partial to the periwinkle blue.

Unfortunately, grammar police do not make grammar law, they just enforce existing law. What you need is for the grammar congress to get off its ass and make some new grammar legislation.

What I haven’t seen anyone asking*: If the Game Warden is the OG Mr. Phillips, where’s the first Ms. Crookshanks?

This may be overactive head-cannon justifying bad writing, but I think the tape works perfectly well with the Adrian Veidt we know from the comics. Cue over-long comment:


Seriously, Linda on the bed distractedly surrounded by old crafts and memories is the Realest Mom moment I’ve seen on TV in a while.

They fly, Now?

I had heard of them severing the callosum, but never the removal. It’s amazing how redundant biology is.

This isn’t that surprising actually, everyone knows people only use about 10% of their brain. (/s)

I know this is an old comment, but wanted to put out there that if you’re roasting or poaching fish you really don’t even need to defrost.

My dad does this one at every restaurant, and I cringe every time:

I think my favorite part was when everyone bends backward at the waist to look up. That’s a great detail. 

“Pause|Break” does exactly what it says on the tin and pauses or breaks (Stops) an executing program/code fragment that has frozen or gotten stuck in a loop. Very useful in mathematical programs.

And we just stopped asking how he got his hand back!

WRATH: Grizzly bears