
They want a name for the Joker’s mother.

Late but, was your dad Alfred? Because if my dad was Alfred he’d officiate, give me away, and be my best man, while also serving as wedding planner/caterer.

The 5-hour (usually chicken) recipes can be a problem. I have always worked close enough to home that I can go home for lunch, start the crock-pot (having put all the ingredients in a bag/tupperware before, I can just dump them in unceremoniously), then it’s ready for dinner at 5 or 6.

Usually when you have a nosebleed (especially in the upper sinuses) for every one part that comes out the nose there’s two parts going the other way down your throat. That sits in your stomach and coagulates/curdles into a black crumbling paste. You’re basically making blood pudding in your guts.
