
Only to the Japanese.

The writers backed away from confirming International Assassin by having Kevin Sr do that dramatic pause before revealing that it wasn't his son he saw, but Tony.

The first season seemed to have been completely dependant on Vera. I remember a lot of pre-pilot chatter talking about how she is too good for television and 90% of the early buzz list her as either the best part or only good part. As fun exercise, lets imagine if the creators didn't get lucky by scoring their first

Pretty much all of them have booked work since the show ended. Vera is in the new Godzilla film and will likely continue doing movies, Max, Nestor and Freddie have pilots and Olivia has Ready Player One and usually does a few smaller films a year.

My Dylan issue with the episode wasn't that he was the hero, but that it felt like they were telling Dylan's story instead on Norman's. Max was given that most "actory" scene and let him have the happy ending, while Norman was either "sleeping" or sleepwalking, thus was passive for most of the episode.

Nose bleeds are usually a drama shorthand for a dire medical condition, and given that the writers like to continually crap on Matt, I wouldn't be surprised to learn he is dying.

I've personally never considered it necessary that half-Asians on screen look like a 50/50 mix, given that I have nieces and nephews that look as Asian as Emma Stone. Also, baby Lily always looked more like Wayne than Christine.

I don't know who wrote the rape scene, but due to them getting a straight to series order, they had the luxury of writing most of the episodes of season one in a row and by themselves. It usually take a while until writers focus exclusively on their favourites.

I think a lot of credit has to go to Kerry Ehrin when it comes to the acclaim that the show receives. Carlton credits himself for the plot-heavy related elements in Bates Motel and credits her for the rich character work. And given that seems to prefer to spread himself over multiple shows while she give more of the

The thing about the sex slavery story and drug story is that the show was originally envisioned as a Twin Peaks type show, but after a couple of seasons the writers eventually realised that those parts didn't work nearly as well and phased them out in favour of the parts that did work, which is the Norman/Norma parts.

They likely don't want the show to be bogged down with all the past murders, which is why I think Dylan won't ever learn that his father is dead. It will be considered overkill given that 25% of the season has consists of Dylan and Emma reacting to news of a dead parent.

I got a kick out of them bringing back Sable and Ben. Aren't we all eagerly awaiting for their return since their debut last season?

That wasn't from the flashback, that was from the promo.

I think Mimi is certainly more deserving of making more Hollywood films than someone like Peter Berg. He was the original director for this show, and despite having a faaar worse track record, they STILL allow him to make movies.

Probably not. There is pics floating around the net of Evie with Kevin at Hosier Lane, a graffiti alley landmark in Melbourne.

If have a feeling that they had too many deserving cast members to highlight within 8 episodes, so they ended up sacrificing Jill, Meg and Erika.

As usual, Lindelof was trolling when he disappointed fans when stating that there will be no more penisy jogging scene before the airing of season 2, when he was fully aware that that there will be far more bare ass shots and full frontal dong.

Spoiler about the cast the actress who plays Evie went to Australia with the rest of the cast, as per her instagram account

I thought the opening was terrific, but I think the cavewomen opening from season 2 was better. I thought it told a more captivating short story about being a leftover, which is a bit more on theme than the opening with the Millerites, which seemed more about religion and doomsday.

Why do people assume that critics hate Olitz (meaning that are for Olake)? In reality, they just hate Fitz as an individual character. The reason why another Fitz' "hater" is reviewing this show is because every critic hates Fitz. Unlike his fans, their opinions aren't clouded by a desire to have sex with him.