
I concur with Justice Sotomayor. I am absolutely terrified at the mockery that the court will become. Trump’s short list is of men who are hostile to reproductive freedom and gay rights (one, in particular, supports criminalizing consensual sex between adults of the same sex because the state shouldn’t have to accept

My wife and I both know and have worked with (she currently, I in the past) an local doctor who is the current chairman of the New England chapter of the Syrian-American Medical Society. They have a foundation that works to provide medical care both in Syria and in the areas where refugees are concentrated. Dr.

I’m guessing you’re responding to the wrong person, because none of what you said has anything whatsoever to do with anything I said.

One of MSNBC’s sound techs. was also pepper-sprayed, if I recall correctly.

You sound like me. Are you me?

I spent approximately $45 on my family of 3 for the Boston march. That included T fare, morning coffee, and a late lunch. So, 1/28 of an IUD. But hey, the good news is that because my wife and I are both courteous enough to be lesbians, we don’t need IUDs, which means that we’re not costing Republicans a damn thing.

If that’s true, then shame on her for agreeing to such a thing. She could have either continued being his mistress or moved on to someone who is not a disgusting, narcissistic pig-man. She chose to marry him even with whatever conditions were involved, and now she is choosing to continue to stay married to him. If she

Yeah. That one.

Uh, yeah, it totally can. All it needs to do is (re)define what “peaceably” means.

Awww, shucks. Thank you!

My suggestion is to donate to the ACLU.

You beat me to it. I was going to ask how many of these proposed bills would survive Supreme Court review.

Thank you for the tip!

Go for it! I questioned my sanity at times, but then I got to my first class and saw a room full of people who were my age or older, and 2/3 of them are women. Some of my classmates are women who raised their kids and sent them off to college and are now taking their turn. It’s inspiring and it keeps me going even

Part of the reason that I decided to go to law school at the age of 40 is that I was tired of working in a healthcare system that is broken and that is not serving the needs of patients or providers as well as it could be. My rationale for giving up a lucrative career as a nurse and as an insurance company executive

Maybe it seems that way because it’s just that the old, white men are the ones who consistently feel empowered to share their unsolicited, nonsensical, and completely irrelevant thoughts and opinions with the rest of the world. Even my fundamentalist relatives and my Catholic “church lady” Aunts have managed to keep

As best I was able to follow, the color pink = Planned Parenthood = “women’s health care” = abortion + hyperbole = “late-term abortion” = feminism.

My undergrad. college roommate posted a photo of her 11 year-old daughter sewing a pussy hat out of pink fleece on FB this weekend. One of her relatives (her father’s cousin, I believe) asked my friend why she thought it was appropriate for her young daughter to be advocating for late-term abortion (weirdly specific,

I just wrote an essay about this POS for my nonprofit law class. I wish this had happened before I turned it in. I suspect my professor would have given me extra credit for making it a multi-media presentation...

At least when 3 men (the host and 2 political analysts who do a segment on local politics every week) talked about the marches on NPR this morning one of them had the good sense to preface their discussion with an acknowledgment of the awkwardness of the 3 of them discussing the issue.