
This proves the adage that if you’re willing to lie about stupid things when you can easily be proven wrong, what’s to keep you from lying about important things when it will be harder to prove you wrong. It is deeply disturbing, and everyone should be paying attention to this.

We’re just going to have to agree to disagree. I am not going to change my mind about this.

There was a guy in Boston today with a sign that said “Science Is A Thing.” I thought that was clever, but this one is x100 clever.

Gaah! I am dead of cuteness. I want to squeeze those cheeks so bad!

In what weird, upside-down, backwards world are people who are pro forced-birth also feminists?

This is (the back of) me, Junior, and the Mrs., along with something like 150,000 of our closest friends in Boston today.

How in your narrative does vandalizing private property, throwing rocks and bricks, and injuring innocent civilians in the process make social change happen?

If there’s any justice in the world, he’ll be long gone by then.

I suspect that’s why she still hasn’t bothered to learn to speak English properly. She never anticipated that she’d be allowed required to speak.

Trump’s goodbye embrace of Dr. Biden was warmer and more heartfelt than any of his interactions with his own wife.

Deleted. I’ve been fighting all day and I’m tired.

Congratulations for adding legitimacy to the myth that those who demand change are violent thugs. That approach will lead nowhere except straight to a declaration of martial law (or worse) by this “president”, and will only add fuel to his authoritarian tendencies. People will get hurt and things will only get worse. 

People can be fearful and angry without being violent and destructive.

I am all for subversion and protest, but rioting, destroying property, and basically making the resistance look like a bunch of violent amateurs is NOT an approach that I can condone.

Holy fuck, you guys. This really happened.


Melania has chosen “dead eyes” for today’s expression, I see.

This just amplifies my hatred for her. Which I didn’t think was possible until now.

I feel like I have a little bit of a license to be bitchy today. Melania’s face... when was the last time it moved? I think she’s capable of maybe 3 different expressions.

The reason I opted out of D.C. and decided to go to my local march is that I’m fairly certain I’m going to fall apart. I’d rather fall apart among my friends in my own city than among strangers in an unfamiliar place.