

Why are people so dumb?

Good goddess. Is there some sort of refugee program you can apply to? Maybe be relocated to Massachusetts for your safety or something?

Now I’m completely squicked out. Thanks for the fresh nightmare fodder.

What. the. actual. fuck?

We have laws (in MA they are called Mary Moe statutes) to protect mature minors’ rights to obtain medical care without parental consent in order to protect kids from abuse and allow them to act in their own best interests. This situation is exactly what laws are designed to address. If the child had needed her

Thank you. That’s both comforting and not :)

Thank you for this clear and brief summary. My question at this point is, even though everyone agrees that Korematsu was a travesty, isn’t it also true that if such a case did make it back to the Court and there were sufficient Trump appointees to form a majority of Justices that think it’s cool, there is no other

Right! I keep reminding people that there has been nothing that to subsequently invalidate Korematsu, and thus it still remains “good” law. So this dirtbag is absolutely correct that all sorts of registries, “extreme vetting” and whatever other horrors are being planned, up to and including the internment of American

The new total is over a million votes as of yesterday.

Dude, no.

This is the WORST reality show ever.

I have never been more than a casual/social drinker, so have no experience whatsoever with being completely wasted. What I do know, however, is that alcohol intoxication generally lowers inhibitions and impairs judgment, but it does not transform a person from totally healthy and happy-go-lucky to violent psychopath.

I just emailed the WaPo article to my legal ethics professor. We happen to be covering Rule 1.8 tonight. Should make for an interesting class.

Thanks for the tip! I’ll check it out and report back ASAP. I need to be distracted from life for a while.

I have so many questions... How can he claim that the casino “should have known” anything about his or his girlfriend’s past behavior outside of the casino? Was he served all 15 drinks by the same bartender? If not, how was the casino staff to know how many drinks he had been served?

That Lip Sync Battle episode is both the only one I’ve ever seen and the moment that made my question my sexual orientation.


They were pretty fierce sunglasses.

My daughter still talks about that time Hedda Lettuce stopped us on the street in P-town to compliment her sunglasses and told her to keep working her purple Crocs.