Does he always look like he’s about to cry, or is it just that photo?
Does he always look like he’s about to cry, or is it just that photo?
I heard someone refer to her as a green card prostitute, which even if technically sort of accurate, made me uncomfortable.
It sounds like the kind of place that serves spaghetti and meatballs from a can.
There is such a delightful lack of word salad when Obama speaks.
Exactly. Contrary to what some might think, insurance companies aren’t inherently evil (at least, not the ones I’ve worked for and with). They are just required to be profitable, which is ultimately good for their insureds. I’ve dealt with the aftermath of an insolvent insurer once in my career, and it was not good or…
I hope you (and the others who have responded along similar lines) are right. I just think that it relies on traits like humility and ability to be ashamed and willingness to learn and basic human decency on a person who has shown none of the above so far.
I’m not sure either. I was somewhat encouraged by the fact that my sixth grader seems to have something of a clue as to the basic structure of the federal government and which branch is responsible for what. It seems like a good start.
Right. It essentially becomes an unfunded, and thus unenforceable, mandate. I’ve been working in the insurance industry long enough to know that insurance companies don’t do anything they aren’t legally mandated to, and they certainly don’t expand coverage provisions to people who are considered bad risks out of the…
I don’t require an explanation, because I asked an entirely rhetorical question. But even if it were a serious question, the answer is only obvious if you accept the proposition that Trump, who has made a name for himself over the past 8 years publicly questioning the legitimacy of our current president and taking…
Your last sentence indicates that you get it. As much as one can be expected to get anything Trump-related, that is.
The twenty-first repealed the eighteenth, but if you want to count the amendment that was repealed and the amendment that repealed it, be my guest.
I don’t know if there is one, but we need one. I have a few suggestions, but I’ve used up my daily allotment of nasty words already so it will have to wait for another day.
Yes and no. I’m with you on the general gist- that the people we elect to run shit need to know how shit runs. There are a lot of professions that require a person to pass an exam before they’re allowed to work. The position of POTUS should theoretically be one of them.
He thinks that the Second Amendment IS the Constitution. He has no idea that there are 24 other Amendments, let alone all that other stuff like the powers of each branch of the federal government and that whole separation of power/checks and balances thing.
It sounds like they didn’t even bother to do that much.
In my current state of rageful vengeance, you make a very valid point. I had failed to consider the possibility that this might actually be FUN for Obama.
I think if you go back and read the follow up that I wrote after I wasn’t able to edit my original post, you’d have a better idea of where my head is at.
Do you think he would, though? We’re talking about a man whose entire campaign was predicated on his belief that he is smarter than literally everyone else. He’s smarter than “the generals.” He knows more about ISIS than anyone else. He was the greatest baseball player in the city of New York. The list of things that…
I think you’ve got it reversed. The suffering will happen if Trump succeeds in keeping his campaign promises.
I didn’t say that AT ALL, nor could anything I did say be reasonably construed to mean that.