I know this isn't FARK, but if this isn't an instance to use a "Having solved all other problems" headline, I don't know what is.
this is a cornerstone of the WNBA's "We Give Up" marketing campaign.
cute that they pretend LGBT are a unique subset of WNBA fans and not simply the entire base.
As long as he doesn't send out any derogatory tweets about Michael Sam, it should all be good, right?
why couldn't Jim Rome have been on that Malasian Air flight?? Is that really too much to ask, Gods?
Clayton Bennett looked at Scotty Brooks and said, "A little grease is what makes this world go round. One hand washes the other. Know what I mean? You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours."
you're sick!
settle a debate for me: higher percentage of lesbians—college softball or college women's basketball?
God damn I would love to see Deadspin's coverage of Johnny Manziel if he wasn't a white guy. You guys would be stroking him harder than you do Richard Sherman and Yasiel Puig combined.
Looks like Tom has done some googling as well... And by that I mean it looks like he masturbated a lot as a teenager.
It also could be another reason to cut him.
Remember when the media scolded every NFL executive who insinuated that Michael Sam was going to be a distraction?
You meant to write seriously, not serious. - It's an adverb. There's nothing cuter than someone attempting to troll grammar with equally shitty grammar. Also, his phrase was in spoken vernacular, while you on the other hand actually had time to proof read what you wrote.
He's speaking on behalf of the guy who said this: "as players, we want what's right, and we don't feel like no one in his family should own the team." So Lebron actually wants a Sterling to own a team! How can we parse through all these conflicting messages?!
Aint? Is anyone taking THIS guy serious?
I can tell you what would happen. LeBron would suit up.
Yes he did. Hit him on the elbow. Watch the replay.