
I’d be with you if Swinton had asked anyone but Margaret Cho. She is so vocal about representing Asians and Koreans specifically. How can one person represent an entire group of people or a culture? I don’t know, ask Margaret! She is the Korean authority!

Yeah, but it wasn’t just about input. And you know what? Swinton KNEW. Come on. If we look at it in the best possible light, as in “I’m in my dreary Scots castle and never see these things in public nor have I ever heard of whitewashing” a simple, “Well, shit, I fucked up and will do better next time” should do it.

I get that. Maybe it’s like this. When it happens, you think, “oookay.” Then, after, you get more and more pissed off?

I’m asian. Putting that out there to give my street cred.

Yeah, I mean I would get it if Tilda just picked some random Asian out of a hat but Cho was specifically criticizing Swinton as early as May so it makes the go to person to ask why people are upset with you is the person who is saying people are upset with you.

It’s not up to Margaret Cho to alleviate Tilda Swinton’s white guilt. It’s not her job. She is not Representative Asian #4. If Swinton had mixed feelings, she has the money to avoid the role and choose something else. Once she chose to move forward and do the role, then who is benefiting from those guilt feelings,

Cho has made herself one of the main voices of this debate and was publicly criticizing the movie and Swinton. If someone does that, they can’t then claim that if someone wants to talk about it with them that they are being turned to as the only Asian in the room. She has set herself up as an expert on this issue for

And the whole “I have an Asian friend” thing did not come across at all. Cho specifically said she’d suggest producing something with Asian actors, to which Swinton responded that she was doing just that.

This stood out to me as well. I imagined TS had said something along the lines of, “why are people criticizing

How did a copy/pasted email exchange between 2 other people involve any bias on the part of Rich?

I feel Anna Kendrick’s tweet so hard.

All the penis-in-orifice sex in the film was simulated. There is a big debate over whether he penetrated her anus with butter on his fingers, because under French law that is rape. However no one’s specifically said that that happened and the only two people who know for sure are dead.

gendered violence is usually centered in a heteronormative way but queer women experience it at higher rates, so i just always want to remind people in any way i can that queer women do in fact experience it to try and fight that stigma!

No one is saying it’s not as bad. There can still be valid outrage and disgust while acknowledging the facts. The fact being it wasn’t penetrative sexual assault.

Also, no one’s art is so important that it justifies using such shady means if you can’t manage to draw the performance you’re looking for using legitimate means. Actors are human beings, not props.

Not necessarily a murderer, because Schneider died from cancer in 2011.

and, like, his actress being a woman, and a young woman, and a young beautiful woman, and a young beautiful woman in the entertainment industry, and a young beautiful woman in the entertainment industry in the 70s... i mean, chances are she probably wouldn’t have had to have reached that far to have come up with rage

Oh come on, he’s not being praised anywhere. The collective reaction is disgust.

What foul men, and I’m so sick of the “they are trying to get attention BS”. Women aren’t the ones instigating these events. Ther are not the ones who are crossing lines here. Not to mention being the victim of sex assault isn’t something women are just dying to make as they claim to fame. Women have a right to

Considering the stigma surrounding incest, I am not surprised that statistics are hard to come by. It's just not reported. I know that when I learned about GSA, one of the talking points was how little information is available in regards to prevalence. I do remember that it was said that around 3% of reunions between