
I am assuming that a cloned mammoth would be socialized in a reasonable approximation by being raised among an elephant herd, though that coat will do it no favors in the environments that the elephants favor. It would also likely learn to bathe every day, but not learn to migrate. Pleistocene Park does have a certain

Every so often, a headline will pop up in the UK papers about wolves being reintroduced to Great Britain, though I don’t know how far along these schemes are or if they’re even going to be allowed. That first link mentions brown bears as well.

I’m very interested in Burning after learning it’s based on a Murakami story.

If you’re between 18 and 28, this year they had a Three Days in Cannes program with free passes being given out for the last three days of the festival:

Literally the only shocking thing Lars Trier could do would be to make a fun movie that’s enjoyable to watch instead of a painful, miserable slog.

“One is left wondering whether any of von Trier’s endless, agonizing self-reflection justifies the often tediously unpleasant experience of watching The House That Jack Built.”

For reference, this is the Climax poster Dowd is talking about:

Sam has always struck me as a mix between Tyler, The Creator and Childish Gambino.

First off I loved this review. So funny you said the exact same thing I did in my last "review" about Rachel's lack of chemistry with Jeremy and also interesting that you said you saw her chemistry with Adam for first time here. This was actually the first episode I ever saw of the show and I wonder if that colored my

I watched the first four episodes this weekend, and now with this week's story I agree with the review that the biggest question mark around the show is: why are the contestants there? UnREAL has been very good about sketching in Adam and the producers' motivations, but with only a few exceptions (Athena wanting

Ana and Grace are still there; I'm not sure who else.

Yeah that was a huge jump from God didn't strike me down to He wants me to spread the joy of homosexuality to my very small-minded insular community along with millions of Everlasting viewers.

I had hoped they were going someplace interesting with Quinn being the one who came up with the idea for Everlasting. I'm glad they dropped the intellectual property thing right away because it would have been silly if that book made any difference since why wouldn't they have used it years prior when the show first

Yeah, but I'm in complete agreement with the reviewer on this one: I can see that Jeremy is important to Rachel, but I'm not feeling it. Jeremy just isn't very interesting, and all the chemistry is between Rachel and Adam.

The lesbian drama was delightfully campy, it felt like a show on… Lifetime, actually. And with Rachel always in the background, you could appreciate the cheesy scenes on two levels: the earnest coming-out story it looked like on our TVs; and the cynical exploitation the reality show would make of it - because it was

First off, love this show. Also really glad they had Rachel listen to her better angels this episode. Also, I didn't think Rachel's idea about relocating them was an over-reaction at all. Some parts of the country still really have that much hate for certain people. Hard to imagine if you grew up in a community where

Agreed. Especially since we know she's doing it because she knows she's good at it. Sure, she needs the money to pay off her outstanding bills, but there's some part of her that likes watching the chaos. She's just a really refreshing anti-hero.

Rachel is fascinating to me.

But they didn't have much to go on with the previous bitch character either. Granted she seemed to be more authentically bitchy so she was a good choice for that role.

Her whole parent situation is completely fucked, but I liked the ambiguity with it. We're supposed to think her mom is completely horrible, but then her mom drops the bit about Rachel being extremely good at manipulation, which is also very true. Her mom can be horrible, but also still make a valid point.