
For me, I think the last three episodes (especially the last two episodes) were missing satisfying endings. Each time, the ending either came off as expected (this episode), or just kind of random/sudden (the last two episodes). These endings don't feel earned, even if everything leading up to them is funny and

Yes, but WHERE? Oh well…maybe I'll just have to see the art porno…I mean, movie.

Yeah, Linda seemed kind of like a baby in this episode. I was similarly surprised Bob agreed to burn the new couch. I thought he would at least point out the fact that the old couch was not just smelly/dirty, but pretty seriously broken (I mean, that can't be comfortable to sit on). I suppose he felt guilty and wanted

Got to have something by Sufjan Stevens on here, too.

OK, fine review, but where, exactly, does the giant penis come in? I feel click baited.

This is coming from my own very non-scientific deduction skills, but I've noticed that many trans people I know also have trans siblings. This makes me suspect that there could be a genetic component to being trans (as far as being trans can be considered a biological condition).

Don't remind me about the movie version of Never Let Me Go. That is, the little I actually remember about it. The movie wasn't terrible, but it was just. So. Bland.

I accidentally read this comment as "That and Bound are the only movies I like." I'm glad that's not true.

It gets better around episode 5 or 6 – not deep, but very entertaining and done sincerely. And I don't usually like plot heavy sci fi/action.

Haha yes. Just yesterday the guidance counselors thought it would be a good idea to play a game which consisted of asking students to "touch someone that [was a good friend, helped people out, etc]." It was a really, really bad, but genuinely hilarious, idea.

Haha, sounds like some students I know. I don't know about other subjects, but as a math teacher – please help your kid study for tests. A lot of kids don't know how to study, they just look over the problems which doesn't help. Kids actually need to do practice problems to do well on tests/quizzes. (Also, if you can,

"Can't get any older than dead"

It's funny how none of the quoted people actually express enthusiasm about the show, or even say the show is good. It's all very qualified praise about how the show "tells a lot of stories."

Plot Twist: Andy Daly's character is actually Forrest doing a review of Being a Middle School Principal for the Rest of Your Life!

Yes – especially in the case of The Witch. The movie tries hard not to be an obvious allegory for anything in real life – it exists in its own surreal, unsettling universe. Try to apply any analysis of the film all being a metaphor for xyz, and it just slides off.

Yeah, at the college I went to big departments like physics and biology purposefully winnowed down the pool of prospective majors by giving a certain number of people F's. It was fucked up.

Come on, Heath, we all know it was by smearing Jell-o all over your face.

Agreed. At least we got "The Witch" recently.

Whelp, The Purge: Election Year is already a real thing, so…