
Dawes seems content to basically write pop songs about relationships – the lyrics aren't aiming for philosophical depth. All of Mumford and Sons' lyrics seem way too vague, symbolic and abstract to have any actual emotional impact. I'd lump Dawes in with other honest pop bands like Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness.

I also dislike Mumford and Sons. I find it to be uninteresting music trying to be interesting. It seems like the band's expecting the viewer to do the work of finding a Message in the songs, while they rely on some OK but overcrowded instrumentation, boring choruses, and lyrics that talk about wolves, lions and other

I agree that AJ Gibbs would need to become a different character in order for the whole show to revolve around her…the show runners would (probably) need to give her a private life, a history, and weaknesses/a fatal flaw. Personally, though, I'm interested in how they would do this – Review has always been a one man

Not that this character is a serial killer, crazy, amoral sociopaths just remind me of serial killers.

The amoral sociopath to normal person ratio in movies is always very high. Honestly I'm getting a little tired of sociopath characters…a lot of the time it just feels exhibitionist, "look at this person, they're a serial killer, but they have an interest in music/art etc and sort of act like a normal person, isn't

"Sanguine geysers?" Do the geysers have positive attitudes, or something?

Yeah, it sucks when the personality of an author gets in the way of liking their books. I think it's kind of BS when people get mad at authors like Franzen for writing about white people with first world problems (people generally write about what they know and see, and you can't make yourself inspired to write about

OK. Wow.
Also, as a fellow birdwatcher, I kind of wish he wasn't one.

Come on, man. Cerulean warblers and eastern bitterns are both very underrated birds. (Did you know bitterns communicate entirely by burping expressively?)

Start with season 4.

Why is he punchable? I don't know anything about him as a person so I'm not trying to be combative, just curious.

"People you've been before that you don't want around anymore they push and shove and won't bend to your will" - lyrics from "Behind the Bars" by Elliott Smith. Thematic connections!

Definitely. For me, this gets an A-, since I think the Beth-and-Jerry plot was about as strong as the Rick-and-Morty plot usually is, and vice versa.

I had a dream that I was on Review. I asked Forrest what it was like to host the final episode of you TV show. He was forced to shoot one last episode of Review before ending it. Also, he rode a horse.

Ain't No Mountain High enough? Must be doing that pot.

Yeah, Morty has shown himself to be capable of a lot of cruelty under the right circumstances. Possibly crazy theory: I've begun to suspect that Rick – in his backwards ass way – is actually grooming Morty to be the next Rick. He doesn't let Morty try any science because he wants to be able to control him while he

It would have been kind of funny if they spent a lot of time arguing philosophically about the problematic nature of tree-worship. Tree worship: basically just kissing up to a life form that is stronger, older, and more numerous than you.

My dad used to be the lead guitarist in a reggae/world band, and he's more into Taylor Swift than I am. Honestly, he convinced me she's a good songwriter.

Yes! Enlightened, too…I'll never get over how good that show was at simultaneously poking fun at and honoring its characters' idealism.