
Sorry my computer was messing up and not showing the post. i can delete the repeat.

I think audiences are pretty used to the idea of dark cartoons by now – everyone's been familiar with the Simpsons, South Park, Futurama, Archer etc for a while now. What I think Bojack does especially well – and Rick and Morty, although I think Bojack's better at it – is projecting characters' inner lives onto the

I think audiences are pretty used to the idea of dark cartoons by now – everyone's been familiar with the Simpsons, South Park, Futurama, Archer etc for a while now. What I think Bojack does especially well – and Rick and Morty, although I think Bojack's better at it – is projecting characters' inner lives onto the

Sense8 is worth it if you like clever, well plotted action movies. There are a few really fascinating, likable characters and a few that fall flat. The first 3 episodes aren't that good, but the show really picks up at episode 4 – the action sequences are tight, the characters have chemistry, and everything seems very

I don't really understand all the Alex hate. I agree that the writers haven't given Alex much to do up until recently, and as a result her performance was kind of one note and underdeveloped for a lot of the season. But there aren't many aspects of Alex's character I find unlikable or obnoxious – for me, Stella and

I'm curious to see how a Pousse-Soso relationship would play out. On one hand, they're both thoughtful, sensitive people. However in some ways they're quite different. Soso seems a lot more vulnerable than Pousse. I get the feeling that Soso's never had a serious, healthy relationship before; she's always just tagged

I felt really disappointed by that scene – I was hoping the show would go into Soso's background in depth in this season. It seems lazy to cursorily reference the stereotype of a hard ass Tiger mom to (at least partially) explain Soso's insecurity and feelings of inadequacy.

I'm often surprised at the extent of the moral pettiness/selfishness of the Bob's Burgers villains (Mr Frond, Hugo, and of course the Family Fracas hosts). Sometimes they're funny as hell (Mr Frond breaking down at the end of "The Frond Files"), but sometimes their behavior takes a turn for the legitimately disturbing

Yeah. Even though it makes sense to me that they would be attracted to each other, I don't see how continuing to push a romance plotline would be interesting or productive for the show. There's only so long the show can drag out the "will they or won't they." If they have sex, it has to stay secret, so there's no hope

This is a really good point, spot on. It would be interesting if she did actually marry Rajan, since I've been conditioned to assume that the people who feel attracted to each other will always end up together. Then again, this view is somewhat particular to Western culture. In many Eastern cultures, people

Thanks. For some reason that didn't occur to me.

A lot of the time I can't tell if Flaca's genuinely upset, because she so often expresses her emotions by being sarcastic, dramatic or self-righteously angry. It can be difficult to tell if she's actually upset or just attention seeking, and I think I read her more uncharitably than you. (For example, I cringed a few

Due to staff shortages, MCC assigns Black Cindy to work as a guard and Piper to work as a counselor. Pousse begins making hand crafted soaps, which Polly smuggles out of the prison to sell.

It's hard to see how Caputo CAN do any good in a system like MCC. He seems bound to screw over the prisoners/guards, or quit like Danny.

It kind of makes sense to me that Red and Healy would be romantically attracted. They're both terribly lonely.

Crap, sorry. I watched the first ten minutes of the finale after this episode and it all blurred together for me.

Yeah, for sure. I just find that character trait annoying sometimes. I also wish we saw other aspects of her personality.
BTW, teenager? I thought Litchfield was only a prison for adults, and assumed Flaca was in Juvie before being transferred. Well, I guess she could be 19…hmm. She looks a bit older, maybe 22 or 23?

I actually used to like Flaca, it's really just this season that I've felt annoyed by her character. She does have great fashion sense.

For sure, Bennett acts like a kid, but I think during seasons 1 and 2 he was in the process of figuring out how to deal with his feelings for Daya in a grown up way. For sure he's flawed – all the characters are – and his relationship with Daya put her in an impossible position. But he was so clearly trying to do

Y terrible? Bennett's naive, but I wouldn't say he's any more flawed than the other characters. Healy's deeply flawed and does some pretty messed up things, but he has his redeeming moments, and, honestly it's a hard for me to hate him because he's clearly so desperate.