
Yeah, I really liked how the plotline was able to tow the line between serious and funny – it was hilarious but at the same time I got the sense that being Jewish really matters to Cindy.

She is funny sometimes, but generally she grates on me…honestly it might be her delivery more than her attitude, since Black Cindy has kind of a similar attitude but I find her funny. There seems to be a lot of people who like Flaca…if you don't mind me asking, I would be interested to hear more about what you like

It did feel a little random and require more set up, but I understand why the writers would decide to kill Rajan's father. The question of "will she or won't she marry Rajan" was one of the least compelling plot points of the season: the girl who wants to marry for love but can't because of her parents is terribly

For me, Flaca fills the role of most annoying. She's constantly rude and self-centered, and you can tell she thinks it's "cute" when she acts like a bragging asshole.

I'm pretty sure Bennett will be back. Though honestly, I felt like Bennet's interactions with Caesar in that episode were much more powerful and explained Bennett's motivations better than the flashbacks. The Bennett flashbacks were meh imo.