Yeah, sexist dudes always think this is the thing that’ll get us to be all, “you’re right, I should never have complained about all that other unequal stuff! I’ll get back in your kitchen.”
Yeah, sexist dudes always think this is the thing that’ll get us to be all, “you’re right, I should never have complained about all that other unequal stuff! I’ll get back in your kitchen.”
Thanks :)
Literally the only inequality between the sexes that the repubs care about.
Sort of unrelated, but much needed, and I’m reposting it everywhere.
I totally get this. I mean, I think makeup is fun! I don’t think what you’re saying and what I’m saying are mutually exclusive.
For me, the issue is when “be pretty” is synonymous with“wear makeup.” I totally agree that women shouldn’t be trivialized for caring about their appearance. What does bother me is that caring about your appearance is so intrinsically linked with wearing makeup for women, and not for men. I guess I wish makeup was an…
She is awesome. I love her. Disclaimer: Of course you can be a feminist and like makeup. It shouldn’t have to be a political statement just like men’s grooming habits aren’t, and women who like makeup shouldn’t be trivialized for caring about what they look like the way men aren’t. That being said...
I really want to feel positive about this. But. I’m struggling with feeling positive about beauty pageants? I get why this is a feel-good story and baby steps toward normalizing the “other.” I just can’t cheer for it being in the context “but they can be pretty too!”
How inclusive of this human cattle auction.
Women are mutilated by their partners on such a regular basis that it barely makes the news. In my area alone in the last 2 years a woman’s husband cut her breasts off and a woman who went to my high school had acid thrown in her face by her bf. The acid thrower got a whopping 2 years in prison.
I’d be good with it being common (and you’ll never persuade an anti-choice person that ~20 per 1000 women per year is acceptably rare for their standards). Wishing for it to be rare plays into the hands of people who want to make abortion into an immoral issue. This argument needs to be won some other way.
For those who need a better in depth understanding of why charter schools aren’t a great idea, John Oliver did a superb piece on it:
Ben Carson as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
I have a hard time enjoying things I feel pressured into. I probably would enjoy makeup more if it didn’t feel so mandatory. That’s why I really appreciate Alicia Keyes going au naturale...maybe it’ll start a trend. It IS kinda brave, shouldn’t have to be but it is. Look at all the derision she got. And she is more…
Meanwhile, my nose looks like a two-car garage and I’m staring at Adiche’s like, “If I got surgery...”
Ignorant male here, so only going on second-hand experiences from the ladies in my life.
Yeah, women don’t owe anyone a made-up face any more than men do. Makeup shouldn’t be any more “respectful” on a woman than on a man. But this notion that makeup is necessary for and only for women is so prominent in our culture, people take it for granted. It’s silly.
Could we maybe also drop the idea that if you don’t wear make up you don’t care about how you look or that you don’t care about yourself in general? Can’t we just make the choices we want and not worry about the different choices someone else makes? I know I know crazy. But I don’t wear makeup. I just never have.…
My mom did the caring about your appearance shows you respect others thing too, and I’ve pretty much rejected that and not taught that to my daughter. We owe the people around us to be clean and tidy (not letting long hair trail in food, get in other people’s faces, etc) but that’s about it. No one is owed a pleasant…
I wear makeup because people are nicer to me when I do. It also de-queers me a bit for the customers. I’m not going to pretend it’s not sick and twisted...if you get a kick out of makeup, cool, but I don’t really love that I’ve been coerced into caring at all. Same goes for shaving.