Um no. This was from an episode of The Game.
Um no. This was from an episode of The Game.
While I haven’t read it myself I’ve heard Option B by Sheryl Sandberg is excellent and gives a lot of counterintuitive advice.
That’s not Dakota, that’s her sister Elle
Your criticism of his evaluation of sex work amounts to that it’s “curious” he would think sex work leads to a wholesale devaluation of womanhood but making yourself into a commodity to be bought and sold is objectifying/ dehumanizing and when in the vast majority of cases it is women who end up doing this type of job…
As a black jamaican, this filter does not bother us.. at all...
It’s probably because I’m a regular reader of her site but when I read her post it didn’t really read insecure to me. If you’ve ever read one of her interviews it’s pretty clear she’s just a perfectionist/ hardworking/ type a person who could probably count the number of times she’s given anyone a 10
Agreed. The flesh tone just washes her out and turned what could’ve been a good look into Eh. I’d love to see her give nude, black, and white a break and wear actual colours.
The shoes are awful and don’t go with the dress at all. She should’ve gone full vamp and wore stilettos or something
The book was very pretty but also very blah. Will def work better as a movie
how much did nick loeb pay these people
The guy wouldn’t feel the need to lie about his age in the first place.
Yeah but Kanye likes to act like he’s this 100% original ~artiste~
My soul
Electra Heart was great imo. I loved how the songs were so honest but you could still jam to them