Ironically, rich women have always had access to abortion. Almost all restrictive abortion legislation disproportionately effects low-income women’s ability to terminate pregnancy.
Ironically, rich women have always had access to abortion. Almost all restrictive abortion legislation disproportionately effects low-income women’s ability to terminate pregnancy.
When women rush to defend porn on sites like this it is always transparently performative.
Hahahaha... OK!
Even “safe” and consensual porn is often somewhat problematic, though. Firstly, of course, most of it is made from a male perspective, and so naturally the male in the average straight porn video is the character we’re expected to empathise with, while the women are there to satisfy him sexually, and are more…
I liked your nuanced response. Porn didn’t create sex crimes or a misogynistic society, and banning it wouldn’t fix those problems. Violent porn and its high level of popularity are a symptom, not a cause, of the root issue.
YAAAAAAAS! I’m not against porn. I’m not even against there being some representations of women being objectified or acted upon (we all have different kinks, and our fantasies aren’t reality), my problem is that it’s almost all of porn. Even if it’s produced with consenting adults, only having one type of…
It’s not complaining. It’s telling the truth, and people need to hear it. When people enjoy porn, and many if not most people do, they will bend over backwards to avoid thinking about the abuses connected with it. We only want to imagine happy, empowered women as the performers. We only want to imagine people using it…
Yep. My point is that kids are exposed to (often violent) porn and we don’t know what the consequences of that might be so making claims like *porn is harmless* without having anything to back it up is stupid at best and dangerous at worst.
The complete unwillingness to even have a conversation about it drives me nuts.
I understand if women do enjoy porn, or want to enjoy it. Some of it is just fine and sexy and healthy, etc. I’m one of those people who honestly just finds it boring as all fuck, but I can see perhaps being interested in the “real” porn in which couples tape themselves, for instance. At least that isn’t…
As feminists, we are very ON IT — rightly and productively — when it comes to calling out the warping effect, and even damaging effect, that images of women can have on us all. Calling out photo-shopping, for example. But when it comes to images of women in porn, the desire to be sex-positive and avoid anything that…
Seriously. I’m not sure how accurate they are (as is the case with any study), but some “studies have shown” that men who consume large amounts of porn can’t even get it up for “real” women anymore. They look at a certain very unrealistic ideal and no flesh and blood woman can fulfill that fantasy.
It’s pretty sad that you can’t have a genuine conversation about things that might affect girls and women on a women’s site.
My ex husband used to do the same to me, he forced me to watch porn and do the same things we watched, sometimes he used to force me to have sex 5 or six times per day, I felt like a sex slave. If I was sick or sored I needed to apologize to him and compensate him the next day. And I never told this to anyone but I…
Whether porn is systematically destroying the moral fabric of America is a conversation for a different day . . .
I don’t think I can be convinced that porn is healthy for men. Ladies, whose boyfriends/husbands are pornheads, tell me honestly and not the “sex positive, politically correct, men pleasing” version, do your partners porn habits mean great/improved sex with better, more frequent orgasms for you personally?
I know this isn’t a really popular opinion outside of radical feminism but I think there should be a conversation about how early exposure to porn influences the way men see women. Namely, porn tends to treat female actresses like objects. I remember reading an article by a former porn actress who admitted that there…
Yes but men have a undeniably larger physical edge over women. That is not arguable.