
It was translated into Tahitian as well.

She doesn’t dress like a soap opera villain, you’ve just been conditioned by Disney movies to think that any woman with dark arched eyebrows and red lipstick is the villain.

Weren’t there whole wars fought between Targaryan bastards about succession? They would still have been a political threat, especially with their presumed Dornish support.

I think it’s a throwback to Ned Stark: a true leader doesn’t just give the order for an execution, he does it himself. Dany does it herself (via dragon fire), Arya and Sansa do it themselves to Littlefinger, Cersei doesn’t have the balls to kill someone (or give the order) when they are looking her in the eye, because

You missed the point, that the letter writer was depicting his wife as an unsupportive nag, which obviously she is not as she’s literally been supporting him for years, and but he can’t fix the marriage if he doesn’t actually love and respect the woman he is married to, which it doesn’t seem like he does.

Huh, I feel like GRRM is all about setting things up for the ending you’ve been hoping for and making it not emotionally satisfying but horrifying. No triumphant happy ending but instead interesting insights into how people actually work and how history actually happens (and how in real life advisors are actually

Yeah, it’s better to be lucky than good, and it’s better to follow a leader who’s lucky than good.

Have you spent any time looking at the meanings or origins of names? Many of the ones you might think are “regular” “traditional” names actually mean things like princess or king or queen. And even back in the day, for every Laura Ingalls there was also a Royal Wilder.

But it is NOT required, that’s the point. If you don’t give to the offertory, no one comes after you or says anything or gives you dirty looks even. But people who attend church know that it costs money to pay the priests and keep the lights on, and fix the roof and replace the worn carpet and maybe even put in air

But especially for top athletes, with how much endorsements matter and how much social media presence matters, their personal lives do end up being a big part of what they are selling: not just athletic ability but image as well. And teams love it because fans love it and they sell more tickets and jerseys. And in

The real reason for the new mom chop is that all the glorious thick pregnancy hair falls out at once, leaving raggedy thin hair with a weird short fringe under layer. Plus all the dgaf hormones and the obvious choice of sleep over brushing hair.

I have a 6 year old, and I’m surprised you’ve been able to avoid talking about this stuff. Even just listening to the radio brings up these kinds of questions. Or talking about who MLK Jr was and why he was important., or listening to any of the President’s speeches. Your kid can understand more than you give her

I’ve never heard someone introduce themselves as “kids mom” without also saying their own name. Usually it’s just an identifier, as presumably you have some familiarity with their child, as you might introduce yourself as Jane Smith, from Goldman Sachs, in a different context.

I don’t know what you think “mom friends” means, but in my experience it’s just a friend you made because your kids are close enough in age to play together, so you can have a Conversation while the kids keep each other occupied.having mom friends does not in any way mean you have given up your individual identity