
…the fuck is an OTOH?

Not if she uses a katana

Now, I doubt it's really impossible, I would think it would rather depend on the individual sheep, what you fed it, how many movies it watched, how it was prepared, and the political alignment of both the sheep and its community. I can't speak to how pretty it would be.

that is down right fierce

I know a lot of people who watch movies to gain their opinions, and I'll tell you this brother: they don't taste like sheep.

There's a Subway inside a Wal-Mart in my town, despite another Subway being about 100 yards away in the same strip mall as the Wal-Mart. The one inside has spinach, and the one in the strip mall does not.


Essos seems warmer, but then you've got dragons eating your children every other day…

Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!

Warren Zevon relied on Thompson as his primary care doctor, and he lived to the ripe old age of 56! That's way better than Jesus or Bruce Lee managed…

At least in part because trafficking in those particular stereotypes is generally sufficient to label a movie a "black movie."

Coherence aside, they have narrative to spare. You could wring a pretty boss stage show out of just the Fingertips tracks on Apollo 18.

how come nobody batters and fries cooked eggs? refried eggs, you could call them.

To steal a joke, a video of Jagger and Bowie actually having sex wouldn't be half as homoerotic as Dancing in the Street.

or possibly pomegranates.

I never realized that most of Martin's name was just "Grrrrrr! Grrrrrrr!"

Wait, is "Mo" Josh Modell or Maureen Ryan?

Yeah, this left me confused but at least a bit intrigued. There's a deep mythology that required some pre-commenting research, but I quickly caught up (I think).

Nope, sorry, typo in my post. Fixed it. Just pointing out that the wikipedia page on Hayes has a prominent link to the Dawes Act.