Burning question: Cousin Sal won’t be able to appear on this show due to his Disney deal, correct?
Burning question: Cousin Sal won’t be able to appear on this show due to his Disney deal, correct?
Eventually that invitation led to an actual job, and hey, that’s hardly the mountaintop,
The starboard wall of a commercial freighter blown onto the course from the bay.
This is what happens when you rub bacon all over your golf balls. Only possible explanation.
You might ask yourself, “come on, do we really need a nebulizer? Isn’t that the same as the old humidifier my great aunt willed to us from her estate?” The answers are, in order, definitely yes, and apparently not. Nebulizers have worked wonders for our three kids, even in croupy, croupy situations. The medicine…
I don’t think San Diego is a great example of a mid-sized market. If the Chargers walk away, it’s still San Diego, but with even more outdoor Sunday brunches.
Why in gods name would they sell Hot Dog Pizza when they could instead sell Chili Dog Pizza, which would be far more potentially interesting/disgusting/secretly awesome.
Gary is Illinois. Toledo is Michigan.
“Plus he’s always hitting me up about buying insurance!”
This door is very wee.
Meanwhile, Lakers tryin’ to keep up with the Kings clown car
How dare you disparage our population of corporations/people. Corporate lives matter.
whoa whoa whoa WHOOA HOLD ON THERE
Hate to be the pedantic Brit
I think they just upgraded from “interesting to watch” to “contender for home-court advantage in round one.”
As opposed to marry or kill? I guess yes?
(I mean, obviously)
How could you pass up such a beautiful opportunity to use “Counterpoint:”
Store-bought cookies?????? Disqualified to lead.