

Fresno is the only other city with a “population of half a million” and it doesn’t have an NBA team. Check and mate.

“Uneven” is a pretty harsh grade for Interstellar.

Can we please get a ruling on the Finals hats from Paul Lukas? Specifically a summary judgement immediately banning them?

Mitt Romney ought to organize an alternate tournament to the World Cup. Really, I mean it. He’d be terrific at it.

Unacceptable lack of hustle and grit.

Related: the United States Federal Government kicks so much ass; anyone that says otherwise is misguided or full of horseshit.

Sounds terrific I’ll go water the crawlspace now

Leaving Elmo off the list was a bold move but I presume it saved a lot of screen real estate between the number for Getting hit by a bus and infinity plus six.

What the HELL are we going to get recipe ideas OR WHAT

At this price they’re perfect for shutting the kids up a bit as well.

At this price they’re perfect for shutting the kids up a bit as well.

Could you please rewrite using 8400 more words, misused pronouns everywhere, and a poorly-connected Road Warrior reference? I miss Bill Simmons.

It is horrible, but “all its horror.”

I wasn’t looking out for you. I was calling you a dumbass. You continue to be one.

It would be worth retouching this one.

Uh, the GM wants to see you in his office, Dave.

Gotta use my throwing hand so I can pick off the hotdog vendor.

Hate to burst your double negative.

I wish I could wager somewhere on Barnwell and Lowe staying at Grantland. On the podcasts they have always kept a friendly yet respectful distance from Simmons, pushing back in places where they think he is wrong on the details. They both know very well that they are the cream of a pretty rich crop at Grantland, and