
Stop and think rationally (I know it’s hard because it’s so fun to jump on the Internet hate wagon).... If it was a black person making a racist rant about white people, would there be the outrage, the hate wagon, the attempts to ruin is firm and his life? Nope, it would just be called Thursday. The honest answer

Many, many things can be considered hitpieces by certain parties even if they’re 100% factually true. Take crime for an example, and how black crime is incredibly out of a proportion after adjusting for income and insanely disproportionate when adjusting for population. There’s no columnist in America willing to write

Because they knew people on The Root would flip the fuck out. They weren’t wrong. They do it for laughs and to troll people.

Eugenics. Nice, I knew I’d find some racist shit against whites here. Exterminating all ‘whites’ is some black nazi shit

Yet another thing for blacks to get upset at and a predictable reaction of violence against her and everyone who made it. What will make the black kids angry next?

Every unarmed black man the cops kill... so like 13? That’s about how many get killed per year and apparently that’s enough to riot, loot, and take a knee in NFL games. More kids shoot their parents with found weapons. Why aren’t we protesting them?

The numbers of black crime you are using are low - as much as 5x lower than reality. Why? Because the major black cities like Chicago, Detroit, Philly are driving most of the homicide reporting. They can only report the stats if the crime is ‘cleared’ - meaning solved. That way they know the race of the assailant and

Let’s now hear how all the black people are deeply offended by a single word uttered by kids. The fact that you let a few kids offend you means that you are perpetual victims. Until you stop reacting to this word, you’ll always be victims.

Missy Eliot replacing the confederate statue? Jesus, I’d rather them put Spongebob up there.

They are protesting the liberal whitewashing of history. They’re fed up of people taking down confederate symbols that have every right to be there. They’re tired of the loud minority voices being the squeaky wheel.

Yep, we’re everywhere and you’ve backed us into a corner and made us more tribal. White people are finally tired of the asshattery by blacks because we can now see thousands of hours of it on internet video. There’s no racist words mentioned, just non-commentated objective video of black mob violence, black

Indeed. Why would the descendants of slaves celebrate the country that bought their great to the fifth grandparent from african profiteers? All of those descendants are just here because of profit motives. Which begs the question: What exactly are blacks celebrating on the 4th? The birth of this nation should be a

This story reinforces all of the stereotypes whites have about blacks. It tells us whites to always be wary of ghetto-looking blacks especially around chicken joints.

Hey, it’s gonna take some time to reverse the negative stereotypes cops have of blacks.

Ah, you use the 80% wage gap to fill out your list of 10 even though you probably realize that statistic doesn’t mean women are paid less for the same work. Lazy stats, lazy article.

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