dissolve the entirety of north american policing. this is so much bullshit because of some undereducated high school bullies feel like they can be judge dredd out there
dissolve the entirety of north american policing. this is so much bullshit because of some undereducated high school bullies feel like they can be judge dredd out there
I’d argue that the racism is a tool of the greed. As is the sexism. Republicans are zero-sum people, so keeping more people from having a seat at the table means more pie for them.
This is true but white people will never accept it. It requires them to be introspective. It’s easier to blame another, so Trump becomes the poster child for all their flaws while they latch on to fallacies like American exceptionalism, or lie to themselves and say that’s not who they really are while they continue…
Not fired. Arrested and prosecuted. Despite the social conditioning, we need to stop accepting “firing” as the most severe punishment meted out to these uniformed criminals.
How Fortune Cookies Explain American Politics
What year in America wasn’t?
Look at that motherfucker trying to make a mean face. I'd love to meet him so I could shake his hand...and squeeze so tight I feel the knucklebones grinding against each other. All with a big smile on my face that gets wider and wider as his eyes light up in fear of what might happen.
Fuck Joe Scarborough. Repubs promote racist, sexist and bigoted legislation and not on;y provided cover for Trump’s worst abuses of his office and authority, they often joined in. That he can’t acknowledge one side is terrible, is a big part of the reason we can’t get it fixed.
Also, anyone who voted for Trump is racist.
You still don’t understand America, you poor soul. Nothing will change in 2050. When white people start losing, they change the rules. You have NOT been paying attention.
We wallow in mediocrity because we have tens of millions of poor, uneducated, intellectually lazy, middle/rural white Americans who would rather drag the entire country down to their level than think, even for just one second, that someone else (read: black people) seeing greater success than theirs can be a good thing…
See, I don’t think it’s intentional. I think there’s a Trump Effect we’ll feel for years where celebrities will think they have all the political answers because Trump was able to break a centuries long cycle and get elected.
Unfortunately every low intellect rapper just like their idol Donald Trump think they’re the smartest person in the world. The harm they have inflicted upon our young people in the African American community has been immeasurable and just like Donald Trump they have taken zero responsibility for their actions.
2020 has made me see that I’m done ignoring, twisting my brain to understand or ignoring the idiocy of Black men with access to microphones. Libraries are free and they could have, en masse like Black women did, educated themselves, talked with an intersection of different thinkers and been true partners with us, true…
The only one I can think of and it’s a maybe is Gayle king. Other than her I cant think of any. Brothas do like to sellout though. I don’t know why. Its embarrassing (obviously because I am one). Maybe because most men are inherently selfish. Idk. I will say this though. Rappers in a way are sellouts. Most of them…
Is there any Black woman out there selling out the community the way a lot of these Black men are? I don’t mean Candace Owens and Diamond & Silk. I mean someone pretending to care about our community while they line their pockets and suppress our votes? I was about to say “we need to have a real conversation about…
I will say again and again: we have fantastic HBCU’s that, while not perfect, are educational environments that are first class and do not require student to live in constant anxiety in order to get a degree. They were created for the benefit of Black and Brown folk to operate when those PWI’s didn’t (and don’t) want…
So over these pseudo black men who think it’s their civic duty to publicly disparage black women...
This was my entire thought while reading the tweet. Like, who the fucked asked Terry Crews his opinion about anything? Why does he think we care? There isn’t a single serious voice out here talking about black supremacy or cancelling white people or any such shit...and yet he’s out here refuting arguments no one is…