expect the unexpected

I think that’s why it’s such a sore subject for so many people... it’s controlable in a lot of ways, so people tend to see it as a reflection on a person. I agree with you, though, there’s a lot about it that /can’t/ be controlled.

There are so many intersecting issues here and this is a great article. It’s kind of crazy making how much power hair has. It’s always been so weird to me how a hair style can supposedly say so much about a person’s values or personality or self esteem or how much their parents love them. Maybe it’s because it’s one

I am stunned that a white supremacist in black face was invited to an event discussing black issues. Seriously?!? Her very appearance on that stage makes her a winner, gives her credibility. So yes, we need to find out who invited her because anything else is besides the point. Whoever extended that invitation is not

Like I’m trying to look back for some indication that he was always an asshole. Was he? Or is this new? Is it just because he’d friends with Louie CK and those guys or is he still salty about not taking the Comedy Central money. Cause this shit ain’t funny. It’s just mean.

Good luck, Dave. I watched the hell out of your shit on Comedy Central, I dug your old shit. IDK where you should go now, what you should do - but I don’t think this is it, man. I hear you bought a farm upstate (wherever), maybe grow some hemp or some shit. Send out more pink faceted gay KKK dudes to film as a skit? Yo

He declined to go to the strip club with her - the pantsing happened in public at a roller rink during someone’s birthday party. Reading comprehension, bruh.

Can’t stop laughin at Johnny 2 stepper with the cane!

Now playing

Are those things under Bill Owens’ nostrils supposed to be a mustache? Who the hell parted it that wide, Moses? Or did he just not wipe well enough after kissing Trump’s ass for 2 hours?

I’m an Old who just looks young. But, why errry song gotta be cussin’?! Cussin’ eerry other word with a buncha n***as thrown in?! Thought this was the Classic Man with the top hat, tuxedo and finger waves?!

I don’t think you’re quite getting it.

People trying to improve their relationship seems great, but comparing marriage to any game where it is you v. another person seems like a bad starting point.

But I do wonder, why it is Davis’ tears are considered so remarkable? And I do find it impossible to listen to stories like hers without thinking of the generations upon generations of people of color—black and Native people in particular—who have said the very same things and begged this country, just once, to

I’m Tish James..... Bitch!

Okay, let’s talk about this.

Actually, this is exactly what they want. They want to pay for their kids, their trash collectors, their city services, and nada mas.

Exact same logic.

This would be like me saying ‘I have no kids, therefore I should not pay any taxes that go towards schools, child welfare programs or anything that has to do with children.’ How did these words make it to Mitch McC’s turtle beak??

I watched Coates yesterday, and when the video ended had tears in my eyes.

Not really. It’s legal there and he should be able to practice his state given rights. What’s stupid is that even black people uphold the double-standard for other black people that the law does. What’s stupid is that black men are seen as “stupid” for doing NOTHING illegal by their own people.

This week, like so many others in the past however many years, has been bleak. More painful than usual when pain is already the norm.