
Hey, bro!

Yeah, that's pretty much his MO.

Yes, Devin is unbearable.

What was the clue again?

Where my Flop Heads at? Lemme hear you say ayoooooo! That was a great ep. Stuart calling everyone prune people was great.

Re listening to the I4H Atlantis sketch was a pleasure. That switch when it becomes something else entirely halfway through is the best.

Yeah, they really dropped that ball.

He hates going to the post office.

I need to listen to this right now.

We know he knows the names of the members of the band, "U2", from his podcast, U Talking U2 To Me.

Momma… Help me come down off of the roof… I'm coming down…

R U Playing U2 to Me is my favorite thing of all time.

Yeah but when is U2 going to give us the t-shirts?

It'll just be a Blur to them.

Sean O'Neal should collect all of his newswires on that into a book. He should call it A Trail of Tears and Broken Bones: The Day Broadway Turnt Off The Dark.

It is a good look into the world around us especially Luke's view on America. So many hamburgers and hot dogs.

M, man, which he is not.
O, oh, this is not a man.
N, no, wait, is that a man? No, it is not.
S, scared, the state we are in after seeing this not-man.
T, tsk, tsk, what are we to do?
E, emergency! He is getting closer! We should really do something!
R, really, though, is it a man?

Jesus Christ, I forgot about that line.

I haven't listened to The Flophouse's take on it yet but, good god, it's going to be hard top WHM's utter obliteration of that movie. That was the most disdain I've heard from them.

Bowling Shirt needs to be real.