
Listen, I'm pretty sure that was Secundus. The writer's name was Menendus.

Can Jimmy Pardo be on UTU22M forever?

Does anyone else listen to The Book Was Better? It's pretty great.

Them using Secundus as a chant when they try to bring Andy Kaufman back to life in Blame It on Outer Space is amazing.

Maxwell Lord would be perfect for PR.

His mom finally managed to cook him.

There are some really great use of bongos on there.

This is the pinnacle of human achievement.

Tonight on Crossfire…

House of the Devil II: Dead Men Don't Pay Rent.

Well, that's disappointing. House of the Devil is one of my favorite horror movies of the past decade and I liked The Innkeepers.

Best comic book arc? Best comic book arc.

Ted Kord lives on in our hearts and in the smiles of man -children everywhere.

Fuck you, Booster Gold rules! JLI for life!

Even worse, he'll make you wait hours at the post office.

Batman needs more wizards.

Didn't he have his full grown ass man beard when watching them too? Could the theater even hold that much sheer masculinity?

I love the rambling. There are so many amazing introductions to his ads that I don't bother fast forwarding them because I enjoy them so much. There's one ad where he introduces something and just says, "Guess again, BUBBO!" that killed me. He just reads everything in such a hyperactive and fun way. The way he just

I have no idea how one person can be so wrong about adverisements. Scott is amazing at selling these ads. The way he says Bonobos is ingrained into my head for life.

Don't lie to us. This is a safe zone. Did the MIBs get to you? Or was it the Reptilians?