
What episodes do you recommend?

That might be my favorite one so far. Adam has run into Bono more than any other person who isn't in U2 and still hasn't asked him about the t-shirts? Adam, what are you doin'?

I had to rewind that. That revelation shook him to his very core.

Great ep. Love hearing them spew vitrol on a movie none of them clearly enjoyed. That Flophouse - WHM crossover has me all giddy with anticipation.

I loved the Grant Morrison interview in spite of Kevin Smith's presence. Is there anything outside of that worth listening to? His interviewing "style" leaves a lot to be desired.

I want one of those t-shirts. I wonder if Bono can put those out for the new U2 tour.

Two Wompler appearances in two consecutive weeks? Great way to ring in five years of Bing Bong history! Womplers, Inc!

Although the studio asked Carpenter to film a happy ending, he never reportedly never showed it to test audiences.
So, he did show it to test audiences? Why am I never not confused ever? Great Better Late Than Never, regardless of my not nitpick.

The hat stays

Sam Worthington excretes personality and emotions on a daily basis.

May you be the one lone person to survive from canceraids so you can wander the Earth in utter loneliness until the day you die an old man filled with regret.

Oh, how I wish I could backgammon time to fix that mistake.

You all need to some pursuing this trivial matter.

Eat that lunch, baby.

Nope, that is quite true. Will Comedy Central ever find a show and stick with it? We'll never know.

At last, my fan petition has been heard!

You know what would make me like this episode? If Mac brutally murdered Kate at the end. That would be a welcome ending.

Another thing that reminded me of it was how utterly pointless this episode really is. The only thing that really matters happens in the last two minutes. The more I think about it, the more I loathe this episode.

Am I the only one who thought that this was one of the worst episodes since Stranger in a Strange Land?
The only good thing about was Mac.