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    I'm more impressed trying to figure out how they pulled that practical FX shot off.

    He wasn't credited on GOTHAM tonight, or at least not on the opening credits.

    errr, there are others out there. Try Google next time.

    She's slated to appear in the next season of the Avengers cartoon, so that's a start I suppose.

    off-topic, didn't Princess Leia get a Barbie doll back in the late 1970s?

    Which is crazy because if anybody is known for being a master of merchandizing the crap out of anything otherwise, you think it would be Disney.

    but Namor would fuck him up. ;)

    you know what's really strange? I seem to remember IM2 being the Internet's whipping boy. But that's gone away and now thanks to nerd revisionism, it was actually decent and IM3 is the evil goblin now. (And IM3 was a real step up from IM2.)
    Then again I remember MOS opening to nerd acclaim but wow that backlash came

    Its Shane Black making a Shane Black buddy movie. Just with superheroes.
    I think thats why some nerds got mad. They expected another DARK KNIGHT remake and instead got Marvel's THE LAST BOY SCOUT.

    whatever one thought of Mandarin, Black and Pearce tried to do something different and not just merely remake THE DARK KNIGHT again like Hollywood already has done.

    Obviously audiences liked it enough as a summertime entertainment, and thats whta IM3 worked as.
    Sometimes the Internet is just isolated from reality and public opinion. Reminds me of how everybody online hates Episode 1, yet it still made a bllion. Indy IV? Still did $700 something million. Transformers movies keep

    I think credit must be given to Marvel in that they understand that all characters are different and have different appeals to people and willing to embrace this difference and not just Tony Stark-up Thor or Cap just because Iron Man had been a proven hit already.

    People whine about IM3 and the last Thor film, but one can't accuse either of being TDK clones.

    BATMAN RETURNS was pretty good though.
    The first Batman film was OK, but RETURNS was when Burton got his freak on (and in his prime) and its a beautiful, ugly, creepy, sleazy baby.
    Oh and don't diss Prince. The Batman soundtrack is among his weakest albums, but "Partyman" is still funky.

    Only when its a downer ending that's an existential commentary on how meaningless our lives are.
    At least that's the impression I get from some pretentious folks.

    Because movies that make money are EVIL! Evil I tell ya!

    I'm tired of the condescending of comic books whenever many critics review these movies. Even the good reviews TWS is getting reeks of backhanded compliments. Yeah we get it, they're absurd stories about absurd characters. We know that. That's why alot of us like'em! To proudly fly a flag that you're "smarter" than

    If you ask me, alot of the best comic book/superhero films ever made I like to believe carry the essence of why those characters were beloved in the first place. Not necessarily gospel of the source material, like for instance Jarvis in the Iron Man films was originally a human butler. (He was when I was a kid and

    MOS was better than INCREDIBLE HULK.

    critics still matter, if at the least just for encouraging people outside a genre's fanbase to go check it out if the reviews are good. Take TWS for example. Marvel has their fanbase well established by now, but great WOM and reviews can get people outside the nerds and kids to check it out. If TWS does do