Quietly Simmering

Only three hours?? I have picked up three in at least double that wtf 

I couldn't even be bothered to see it in theaters and I've seen all of them in theaters. Just wait til it's on the + and you can not watch it then. Episode 8 did a perfect job ending the series anyway, 9 is entirely optional at this point. Do not buy. 

I couldn't even be bothered to see it in theaters and I've seen all of them in theaters. Just wait til it's on the +

Compare to my boss who said, in summary, “we’re totally fine! I can’t name any names but we definitely have new clients lined up right now. Be sure come to the office unless you’re super sick. Byeeee”

Update: it fix! Between my spouse and I, it's back up and running, a dead fan the only casualty. Of course with Animal Crossing out shortly Xbox may get a deserved rest anyway... 

Resident Evil 7 too. What better game to play when stuck inside during a disease outbreak than a one about being stuck inside with diseased crazy people?

On the up side I now own a spudger and some torx screwdrivers, so watch the fuck out every console from now on. Replacement fan arrives today unless the supply chain has already broken down so fingers crossed! 

I’m playing this awesome new game called “The fucking XBOX broke the day they declared it a pandemic so does anyone know how to replace a dead cooling fan?" I hear it's a SUPER FUN game 

Been idly poking at Witcher 3 again, I never did play the DLC and I guess if it’s on game pass might as well! (*DLC not free of course but w/ev not like I’m going anywhere this...month... >__>) It’s a clunky beast to start over but I’m getting back on the horse, even if the horse is on the roof.

Y'know I think I'm good! I'll just festering huh nope that definitely landed yep now I'm thinking about it OK well this should be a fun nights sleep tonight 

Silent Hill VR you say? *burns all technology, fires slag remnants into the sun*

These are so good. Also I think I'll give up on using the Control photo mode, never gonna be a better shot than that one... 

It’s so good! It’s like reading a trilogy or so of incredibly weird fantasy. It’s got a save function? Play when you can? I have little ones, my play time is usually less than an hour a day so it's going to last *checks average play time* six months? 

I am poking around in Subnautica, and spent three hours of insomnia last night designing anime vampires in Code Vein's character creator. I'm not sure I even need a game to be attached? Once I get bored with that it'll be a coin flip between Planescape Torment and Outer Worlds. Might dip back in and try to remember

That one's going on the Switch Lite so the kids don't catch wise 

Comrade Random Child is wise and we must make a world where the rich are chopped fine enough for them to consume. 

It’s weird I can SEE that there are words after “Baldur’s Gate” but they won’t resolve into anything that makes sense.

Look I know it’s a chart and all but that really was some Silent Hill shit there for a while. "I got this weird letter... I don't know who it's from it just says '85176 or you'll die' ha ha well I guess time to go to Demon Town for a vacation wonder why they call it that anyway oh well" 

Yes I KNOW why I just want the other thing DAD ok fine I'll buy it and do another end to end play through 

Tease! I literally gasped hoping it was Pillars of Eternity 2 finally getting a release date but no. * sighs *

So the GOP is 100% fine with people ignoring House subpoenas and lying under oath to the House but have a screaming meltdown when Pelosi violates a House rule about not calling a racist a racist. Hmm.