Quietly Simmering

You fucking idiots. They only screech about bipartisanship when they can’t do anything themselves. Remember all that bipartisan support of things like holding a legally required vote on a Supreme Court nomination for a president not of your party? Or that time they shut down the government rather than compromise? Or

Also the other guy getting credit for it is black so, you know.

I never thought I’d wake up, check the news, and actually see that John McCain took a fucking stand against his party. Like I literally froze up from shock for a second because I don’t know how to process McCain not being a spineless partisan hack.

Preach. I ran World of Darkness LARPs (its what the people wanted my hands were tied, probably with black barbed wire with hello kitty charms or something on it) at my college/grad school for years and I can tell you for a fact that so so SO many problems are just garbage people being garbage gamers. Some systems just

It’s easy: they don’t actually mean what they say. Not about any single issue. All they want is racist laws, homophobic laws, misogynistic laws and tax breaks for the people who can donate the most money to them. So forget whatever rhetoric they spout they don’t believe any of it. (and I can prove it: look at what

The secret is just don’t invite that jackass to the games anymore. The older I get the more ruthless I’ve gotten about crafting a gaming group that has fun rather than well that.

I liked that game early on but once it got down to needing to be an actual detective and still having to guess sometimes and pitted against perfect sociopaths who were flawless liars sort of lost me.

He doesn’t care about leaks to the press. This is all in aid of isolating Previous (autocorrect but I’m letting it stand) from information. This in turn makes it harder for him to do anything useful, making the inevitable firing that much easier. Since Trump won’t remember this even happened a week from now he’ll just

I have some notes:

That bloated sack of shit is going to outlive us all. Why do the vile ones always last so goddamn long?

Which means it will become public via massive, comprehensive, and immediate leaks.

That was my immediate reaction too! “Hey, you said it not me *massive aneurysm*”

Spoiler: it’s traitors.

To be fair she did deliver evidence our government was compromised at the end of... Was it cap 2? They’re starting to blur together. But everything else yes please

Considering it was formally graded by a recognized assessment organization? Guessing it’s probably legit.

At least with Minecraft we can set up her own worlds. And turn on adventure mode to at least minimize the damage when she insists on our world anyway. I gather Zelda only allows one game state at a time? Can’t have two different games by different people? Whose genius idea was that?

Emphasis on the unsolicited.

Can you spell dementia, children? You can? Let’s do it together.

This is what I’m here for. Also this: *chugs bottle of gin* because fffffffffffffffffuckkkkkkkk

I didn’t no. My memory is that theE model was monochrome, but the C version was color so we had a color monitor. I remember early King’s Quest was in color, that little red cap.