
I personally like the sound from the demo's I've heard, but the quality seems subpar. I've seen more than a few of these break easily. The plastic seems cheap on these.

How many of you actually know what's going to be new in Ice Cream Sandwich anyways? Not being sarcastic, just an objective question.

Agreed. Autohotkey has been failsafe so far for me.

"Unfortunately, some people are too tempted to abuse credit cards and those are the ones who should not have them." You're right, and often people overestimate their own self-control. So they intend to spend as cash, but then they spend more. I did that too. So better not to play with fire.

Ah, that clarifies things. Gizmodo, you guys should clarify for everyone that it wasn't the software group that was laid off. So you're saying that the software devs were all retained?

Thanks for your revealing comment. But then, can you please elaborate on why HP laid off over 500 webOS employees?

I do - the overall general rotation effects, and apps launching, etc, there is stutter in the Touchpad, while things are silky smooth on the iPad.

up next, an ebay posting for the auction of HP.

Maybe, but even still, the printer market is not a "hot" market like tablets or mobile phones. printers are not even in the forefront of people's minds. people don't get excited about printers, I think I can safely assert that generally. For HP to even waste time talking about it was lame. "Hey, I can print from

I personally own the touchpad 32gb.

here's where I think HP went wrong:

What happened to HP stating that they are just out of the hardware business, but "remain committed" to WebOS??

Pretty sweet! Might make me consider switching to the iPhone and ditch my Android.

I'm excited about how windows 8 will actually look a whole lot better on my HTPC as well.

you don't need to use all 3 - options are options.

The main reason to do this serves another purpose. When you flash another ROM, you can restore all your apps on the new ROM, without going through manual installs. I know apps bought on google can be restored via the Market, but the stuff you got from GetJar or Amazon Market will not restore.

That would work great with a mouse, like it does for Office 2007/2010, but not with a finger, which I thought Windows 8 was designed for. I think this proves yet again that MS is so large that one dept doesn't work well with another dept.

I was just going to ask this question, and you answered it.

Thank you! I was just really starting to hate it this past week!

I'm good w/ my android, but i think the iphone 5 will suit the wifey much better than android.