
and you should use both Lookout and Titanium. I love how lookout scans each app I install for malware.

Probably not a good practice - you should consider how this hurts the developers trying to make a living by selling apps on the market.

I noticed that not all apps get backed up. I'm not 100% sure on these, but the apps where you downloaded from another non-market source will not get backed up and you have to remember these and reinstall them. I held off on spending $6 for Titanium pro, but I bit the bullet and it's worth it. If you buy the free

Um, there's a website that does this for you - automatically setting your future tasks into past ones. You can even search on them.

Anyone else getting an issue where Chrome automatically redirects www.gizmodo.com to m.gizmodo.com? I'm on XP. I don't see this on my machine at home on Win7...

If I'm writing something important, I always mind map it first. I use Mindnode on Mac and Freemind on PC. Really helps me organize my thoughts and lay down the simple foundations for good writing.

wow, actually worked fine for me w/ my gmail account as my live ID - no issues.

Apples vs. oranges argument there.

How about we just all appreciate that it's magic?!

MIT, please give your tech to someone to mass produce these!

4 years is a long time. I think 3 years is a reasonable life expectancy for a laptop battery. I'm still waiting for battery technology to catch up to what it should be in the 21st century.

Jobs is into art, simplicity and form - he doesn't like moving parts that make the phone look awkward or flimsy. I'd say he made the right choice. I hate phones that slide out that over time end up feeling like a toy.

It's all about the ELBOW action.

They may as well start looking for new jobs. when you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Nokia is doing the painful, but right thing.

I wonder how much support they'll get from Google. Of course, on Android you get turn by turn, but on the Pre, they only have the Maps part.

Wow, I thought I was on engadget for a second. Anyways, the phone itself is horrible. Who's in charge of what phones get sold? Is it Dan Hesse himself? They need someone more savvy and aware of the customer desires.

@Shakazula: Alarm Clock Plus is a great android app. Free with ads or paid without ads of course.

@Snafu77: I know - it should be simple, but then again, I've come across lots of people that don't think about how things can be more simpler. They're not lifehackers!

@Snafu77: I've requested the Swiftkey keyboard folks add that as a feature. It only makes sense it be part of the keyboard app IMHO

@dornquast: how much is the seed service?