
Are you surprised? It’s coming from Microsoft...do they ever do anything well?

I guess your advice is just crawl under a rock and die.



Wow, that is really a cold bucket of crap.

Little wonder that the Post Office can’t make a profit in today’s tech World if they can’t even get a god-damn quote right and then not even man up to their fuck up. Just keep raising the stamp costs, I’m sure that will fix everything.

I hope it uses cartridges.

The future is in space.

Drink beers, fall on floor, hit head.


Why does it seem that whatever MS does it seems to piss people off and then oh so surprised at the reaction. As if a camera and listening device spying on its customers wouldn't get a few people miffed.

I just got the 27inch and already its the best computer I've ever had.

Hmm is this the 12/24/12 surprise?

Does Microsoft ever come up with their own ideas???

Repaired xbox for free? Ha, they wanted to charge me $150. It took five years for them to offer free repairs... First foray into tablets?...They have been pushing out their crap for 10 years, this is their first hardware, but they have put their software on tablet machines for years and expected you to buy it....

Ha, another MS failure.....after supposedly claiming to have invented TOUCH 10 years ago you would think they would push out a fantastic product, but as usual its mediocre at best. Why people keep giving MS credit for being a leader in the computer revolution I will never know. So go get your half baked Surface

HUH? Dude, if it wasnt for Apple, all PC's would STILL have floppy drives.

The KIN was pulled a month after it was introduced, so FU to those who purchased it. Even MS admitted that they sold millions of failed Xboxes to suckers. Tough shit to them I guess. Microsoft on inovation? Har! They invented touch 10 years ago and just getting it out now and based it reviews it still MEDIOCRE!

Why do people still think Microsoft can deliver??? Another MS failure. And what is the battery life? Microsoft delivers another half-ass product? KIN, XBOX failures, Vista, Surface. Nothing new to see here....

Why would ANYone buy hardware from Microsoft. Do we forget the KIN, the xbox and xbox 360 failures that they initially charged your $150 to fix. The crap original tablets that they tried to sell you pre ipad. Oh and software too, they sold you Vista for $150+ and that didn't work, or years of crap software that