Uh, it was absolutely awful. Although the actress probably can actually sing. It's very hard to be like, a quarter step off like that intentionally.
Uh, it was absolutely awful. Although the actress probably can actually sing. It's very hard to be like, a quarter step off like that intentionally.
Women are "fertile" until menopause, which is typically doesn't start until late 40s/early 50s. Bell isn't *that* old.
Takis are in every bodega in North America.
He's so gross.
True, except much of what those aspects serve isn't an actual *need*.
Yes, I think he is an eye. I suspect they caught the guy getting the passports and he told them where June and Luke were.
"they'd probably just let them all live in a spa and basically be paid surrogates."
No. He just doesn't want to dilute his Gimme Jimmy brand. The episode is titled, "Off Brand," by the way.
The DA offered a deferred judgment. The bar hearing is a separate matter.
A lot of narcissistic people are very flat.
Some people spell it Ygnacio, and some Ignacio.
But not all people are women. Why be overly broad?
So, the thing in the HMT that stands out for you as being potentially objectionable to the handmaids is the clothing? It's not the rape and reproductive violence? WTF.
I don't think there are many grey areas where this is concerned. Raping, committing reproductive violence (taking away their babies, forced pregnancy, etc), removing women's autonomy and agency — these are not things that are justified in any case. There isn't an end that is dire enough that means of this kind are…
Force WOMEN to get pregnant.
This episode is setting up the second season storyline where June is traded to Mexico, escapes, and takes a job at Los Pollos Hermanos. She then meets Jimmy McGill and sets up an underground railroad to help the other handmaids.
1) Mexico is not a theocracy. The Mexican Constitution specifically makes sure of that.
Maybe it's class snobbery. But it also highlights how even pre-Gilead, the women with choices and options in life are usually at least middle class. This is true today in our current culture. Poor women are often subject to more sexual harassment, sexism, and sexual assault. They don't have enough options and…
I thought the exchange where Luke asked June about hooking up with Moira to be really gross and inappropriate. If I were in June's shoes, that would have been the last date.
He was clearly asking for his own titillation. It's really none of his business at that stage in a relationship what her sexual history is. Can…