
Give the fastest man alive what looks like an armored suit of metal. Right.

CM, of course Takei is entitled to his opinion. I think his opinion is based on an outdated mode of thinking. Roddenberry didn't create Sulu as a straight man because he was making a statement about heterosexuality, It was 1966, and Roddenberry almost certainly never considered the idea of Sulu being gay, even

I meant fuck Takei. I thought that was clear. I guess I was wrong.

Oh, fuck this guy.

A college student in her dorm? 15 years ago, Tony barely managed to build clunky armor, without his lab and typical materials at his disposal. He cobbled something together out of consumer tech, and it was a piece of crap.

The closest I could come is the first seven issues of "Thriller," a low-selling and short-lived comic by writer Robert Loren Fleming and artist Trever Von Eeden, that DC published in the early '80s. Almost no one seemed to like it, even people writing in to the letters column. For me, it opened up huge new

I saw the first movie with a friend. She found it funny and enjoyable. I, a devotee of stage magic in my youth, winced at every "illusion" and "hypnotic trick" through the film's length. I think knowing too much spoiled it for me.

The new uniform shirts have neck holes so tight that the shirts zip up the backs. I never saw my father wear a back-zip uniform shirt in his 28 years of service. What if someone gets a shoulder injury?


I'd like to see him as a cinematographer, but slaved to a strong director.

Ahem. "Action Comics" by John and Frank.

The Johns run of "Action Comics," while far from fluffy, was solid. Of course, it had art mostly by Gary Frank.

At the end, Stark wins and is happy about it. He gets the 50-state initiative. He gets SHIELD. Captain America dies shortly thereafter, specifically because he's brought into custody following the big fight, but, so what? Stark seems sad and gets over most of it quickly. It's not until Osborn takes over that the whole

Facebook isn't a news site. No one should expect it to act like one.

Best part of the entire series: Matt gets the new, red helmet to replace the monstrosity.

You could at least change things up and run Paul Rudd's "Mac and Me" clip.

It's new to me, but I did miss a big hunk of DD comics in the '00s. Was not fond, at all, of Elektra being some kind of force of darkness. In the comics, she's just a very screwed-up young woman.

What about her knowing how to handle a gun? That took Wesley by surprise.

Melvin could, at least, have made it into a cane. (Kidding, but that has always been part of the appeal of DD to me.)

Karen's closing story was crap. I was a newspaper journalist, in my youth. Those opening lines of Karen's were fanzine-level writing, at best.