
Best part of the season: Melvin Potter gives Matt the redder, sleeker helmet. Boy, was the first helmet ugly and bulky.

And here I thought 9/11 was the black 9/11.

Are we ever getting the rest of the series?

For he is an Englishman. He remains an ENGLISSSHHHH man.

Van-essa will now be Cadillac Escalad-essa.

What a charming fellow in the video. How … gods, I don't have the words.

It has only appeared twice. Original publication was in Fantagraphics' "Anything Goes" #2 in 1986. It was selected for Fantagraphics "Best Comics of the Decade, 1980-1990" volume 1.

"American Flagg!" might have been the best comic of the '80s, until Chaykin stopped drawing it.

It was very well-written. Thank you.

Why would they go color, then back to black and white? By 1962, color was the norm except in cases where black and white seemed more appropriate, and in small-budget pictures. Perhaps the producers were squeezing every possible cent out of a declining wallet from the studio?

You won't get it!

Stan Lee has stated that, when creating Iron Man, he was inspired partly by Howard Hughes's exploits in his days as an aviator, technological innovator, and man-about-town. Thus, it only makes sense for the elder Stark to take on that function in a Marvel Universe set in the '50s.

How did we all get on this Airplane!

There is an entire album of Elvis Presley's stage banter. No songs at all. "Having Fun with Elvis On Stage."

Tremble before me!
- Dennis McDonough (my birth name)

Bill Schechter (sp?) took over when Lloyd Dobbins stepped away to explore other things.He and Ellerbee made a great team.

Yes. He can reach between quantum moments of his personal timeline and so be anywhere he wants, within limits, without any effort. Hunter Zolomon, a forensic psychologist, if memory serves, from the first lengthy run by Geoff Johns.

Given that there is an ominverse, an infinite number of alternate dimensions and timelines, it only makes sense that many of them would share common people and events. Heck, their similarity might explain why the portals opened between Earth-1 and Earth-2, rather than Earth-1 and Earth-980234231.

He'll turn out to be a minor associate of Jay's. Maybe named Hunter Zolomon.

When did she outrun Wally? She was introduced during Mark Waid's first run, at which point Wally could move at near light speed again. (Trust me on this — I recently read and reviewed the first hundred issues.)