

Yes. Maggie and Beth were half-sisters. Maggie's mother died.

The supports on the outside are actually a structural advantage. I don't claim to understand engineering and force distribution, but this is what I've read. Here's a reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/th…

Looking at the dragging-herself zombie from the pilot, we know a zombie can lose the entire lower portion of its body and all the internal organs, plus some of the upper body, and keep going. Its strength and mobility are going to be affected, of course.

Perhaps Judith will face her fate in the other medium.

In the comic (I know, I know), the revelation of Eugene is just the beginning of a much bigger plot that has to do with cooperation and an exploration of what happens when people don't want to cooperate, for various reasons. I don't expect to see that on the TV.

I'd ask what I missed, but I get the feeling I don't want to know.

"We've all got it coming." - Will Munny (I think)

I kept waiting for Koral to finally tell Beth that he had the hugest like-like for her. Oh, well.

Crazy Morgan was smart enough to set up a perimeter of pointy sticks. Why aren't the genius engineers in Alexandria?

In the comic (I know), the relationship is more of a desperate reaching out by Jessie that Rick accepts as comforting for both. Not much in the way of romance. They're playing Rick's approach very differently.

Morrison was a frequently bad and self-important lyricist who thought he was a great poet. That's generally what people attack. The instrumentalists were pretty good.

His perspective has gone insane and his anatomy has become very weak, as "Captain America" and "Superman" demonstrate, these last few years.

"Watchmen" the comic isn't about the story. It's about how Moore and Gibbons tell the story.

It's better in that some of the stuff doesn't seem completely out of the blue. The Ultimate cut is a bit better, also, but too long for one sitting.

He's very into open-ended stories, at least on a thematic level.

But there's no reason for humanity to unite against Jon. They are going to unite against America, because America's superman killed millions of people. It doesn't matter that NYC was also attacked — the world will see the attacks as the fault of the USA.

In the development sketches, Moore and Gibbons say that Ozy should have elements of Redford and Kennedy. He was meant to be more conventionally handsome and to have a serious but warm mien about him.

Let's ignore the massive mischaracterizations in "Minutemen," also. It turns The Silhouette into a warm, sympathetic character.

The best of the "Before" comics, but still crap.