
Making Jon the fall guy was irrational. There's no reason that other nations would come to the aid of the US after the multiple attacks. They would still think of Jon as America's weapon.

She's not?

In the comic, Laurie actually says, to Jon, that she hates Rorschach's creepy monotone voice. The Bat-voice from Haley was the only weak point in his performance.

And took the midnight train going anywhere, right?

You'd be stunned how many people on the internet think of "The Goonies" as some sort of touchstone for their youth and, yes, a classic. At least, I was stunned. I see it with all sorts of movies, usually among people who were 7-10 years old when the "classics" were released. But so it goes.

Fine, fine.

I've asked a Facebook friend to send the link to Evanier. It will interesting to see if he responds.

I've got a handful of Canadian friends, and even the slightly righties sighed with relief last week.

Thanks for the correction. My memory wasn't working at all.

Yeah, but walls and mass deportations don't make it any better.

In a manner more acceptable to the general public, yeah. "Better" implies it has any potential to be good or is funny.

Harper was not non-threatening.

Because you don't live there. Improve it!

I don't think you listen to "npr." Your sentence structure, spelling, and punctuation are not anal-retentive enough (or even vaguely acceptable).

He got a minute of screen time. Hosting is a bit different.

I still think "The Final Days," supposedly written while on acid by Franken and Davis, was great.

One more quick thought. If they are classics, it's for the visual excitement and their unashamed desire to be MOVIES!!!!! rather than films. That just means it's beautiful.

I saw "Star Wars" in the summer of 1977, once in the theater. I've seen it once on VHS since and parts on cable a number of times. It's an entertaining bit of fluff. The original trilogy sequels vary, but only "Empire" is more than fluff. They're called classics because movie audiences became fixated on our childhoods

"When blood is shed, let the Staff of One emerge." - Brian K. Vaughan

I think he's assuming that, in a firefight, real people act like scared but focused combatants, not characters in a bad action movie.