
Yes. It was developed for the transformation scenes in "Willow."

"That's robotist." - DDD

4K transfer?

Classics? They're entertaining bits of fluff.

"Empire" was pretty good. "Jedi" had a decent hour of material. "Star Wars" (it's not "A New Hope." It's just "Star Wars" if you saw it in its original theatrical run) was fun. Just fun. They don't add up to a heck of a lot. "Menace" and "Clones" were so awful that I didn't bother were "Sith."

Nope. I thought the whole idea of a Vader origin was a dumb idea. After all, "Star Wars" was originally tagged as "From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker." It was clear Luke was the center of the story, including the six other movies that Lucas said he had planned by the time "Jedi" came out.

I'm sure he'll do that job better than he acts. It also would be great.

I'm just saying that the obsessive focus on the mentally ill is a red herring. We need to keep the guns out of many more people's hands.

People with mental illness commit only about 5 percent of the gun crime. A mentally ill person with a gun is far more likely to shoot herself/himself than be aggressive toward another person.

Gun-grabbing wouldn't involve payment, but you do have a point. However, no serious US politician is suggesting anything like the Australian plan.

George Bush doesn't care about black people.

Fox media bought Geographic, so he can safely subscribe again!

Yes, but that's not how it was conceived. That's all I'm saying. It seems like a harsh break because Lynch decided to make it a harsh break. He easily could have wrapped up the pilot by shooting an ending that played through the story as created. Instead, he decided to go "Lynch" on it. The ending as it stands is an

Y'all are probably too young to remember when Jimmy, still called Jimmy, became a hotshot reporter himself, known for taking dangerous assignments. They called him "Mr. Action" for a while in the '70s.

Yes. "Asian" is the acceptable term now.

Oy, "Monsters." Talk about frightening.

Some of the songs are nearly amelodic, with barely-sung vocals and backing tracks so low they're almost subliminal, but the lyrics are strong and Springsteen's intentions are fulfilled.


An Egyptian feast … not seen for two thousand years!

A bloody shame thatAmerican Hot Wax never had an AV Club or Onion review.