
"Martyrs," if memory serves.

To me, it always felt as if the ending was a completely different thing, even before I read about how the movie was created. That's probably what Lynch desired, but for me it didn't work. Then again, Lynch's brain often goes where mine never would, without help from people like him.

How clever. I've been here for many years. Why don't you crawl back to wherever you came from? Bye.

The movie has wonderful moments, beautiful shots, a fantastic performance from Naomi Watts. But it still strikes me as a bit desperate. He wanted to salvage the time, effort, and money he spent shooting the TV pilot. Therefore, he created this second "story" in an attempt to make sense of the open-ended existing

Personally, I think it was just an attempt by Lynch to use the film he shot for the pilot, rather than discard it. Clearly, the ending is tacked-on and put there so the story has some resolution, which the pilot did not.

Go away. While Agent Dale may not bring the greatest set of arguments to this discussion, you're trollling.

If David Tennant smiled and told you watch him have sex with your girlfriend, every day, for 18 months — and you couldn't resist — you'd soon think of him as something other than a mincing buffoon. The whole point of The Purple Man is that, apart from his power, he's nothing special. He's not really handsome,

She's far too beautiful, at least with glamour makeup, to play Jessica Jones. Jessica wouldn't put on lipstick or nice clothes unless she was going undercover. Sad they wouldn't allow the Netflix character to share that with the comic.

I found [i]Alias[/i] both fascinating and repellent, but much more fascinating. Watching someone pull herself off the bottom of life was interesting. Sadistic? I think you were reading a wholly different comic than I was.

Pretty much, yes. And something about Daredevil's senses makes him very susceptible to Kilgrave's suggestions, once he manages to overpower DD's somehow enhanced immediate resistance.

Funny thing for an atheist activist to say.

You act as if that's should worry us.

Fuck off. I made a lighthearted comment. You need not read it.

It's nice to have a troll commenting on an article about trolling. Keep it up!

Not going to happen. He's a major player in the comics and Riggs is slowly pushing to that same point of maturity, even if the character is much less prominent.

If I remember correctly, the Ayn Rand institute or whatever takes ownership of all the essays, each year. Value for value.

Because no one will buy the tickets if they don't, right? I mean, that's how the world works today, right?

It's a lousy, mean-spirited line. However, Mathis was not physically suited for the part. If Rabin had just said that she wasn't glamorously beautiful as the character is described in the book, that would have sufficed.

"My World of Nervous Giggles."

It was meant to be science fiction, of the social type, with a bit of "hard" technology prediction tossed in (Rearden metal, the static generator, other things that showed Rand knew nothing about technology).