
The point is that Dagny wassername is supposed to be gorgeous and Mathis is not. Poorly written, but accurate.

"But … the books are incredibly popular! She's as popular as the bible!" - Actual quote, I think

Actually, not all of her inner circle. Mostly Branden, because he was the second greatest mind since Plato. Guess who was the first?

She's attractive, but she lacks the Hollywood pizzazz of someone like Taylor Kitsch. If they were trying to create any sense of continuity, they failed. If they were trying to follow Rand's description of the character, they failed. Yeah, it was a bit "appearance-ist," but I don't think it was meant to attack her on

You'd never know the government was bloated on the wealth of the producers, at least from that set.

She didn't consider herself political, which is also funny.

He did.

It's the weight of looting and hatred for money, man. It's all just too much. Any mythological figure holding up the world would be weakened by all that charity and kindness.

No. This was a case in the 1920s, where a young man kidnapped and killed a young girl. He then propped up her body in his car when he went to collect ransom and threw pieces of her out of the auto as he departed. Rand said that she saw him as a great creature of ego who lived outside the strictures of society. She

Perhaps they will work in the conceit from the good (book) version of "World War Z" that zombies don't need oxygen? Waterlogged Zs in that book would walk or crawl up onto beaches and the stronger among them even make it up anchor lines.

He wasn't so bad before he got such a swelled head. Of course, a lot of that early stuff was co-written by Morrison.

DC tried something like it in the '90s, but the writers and artists worked on new characters, sometimes their own creations. This is pretty lame.

I think a big part of the mystique is that the lighting, the camera movements, all the non-acting parts of the mise-en-scene and directing are that much more difficult in an extended shot.

I didn't know it's in the official jargon. Thanks.

Yes, a good term.

It's a single "shot," not a single "take." For all we know, they did nine takes on each segment. However, they filmed those segments without cuts, so each take was done as a single shot.

In "The Eltingville Club" comic book, one character said the sign of great horror porn is being as turned on by the killings as the fucking. Yeesh. There are really people who think that way.

It comes from "Brave New World."

Actually, that's "the CHAIR is not my son."

I've seen it myself, and I can't believe I made such a dumb mistake. "Oooh! Oooh! Francis!"