

While I would never wish on anyone what happened to Bill Mantlo, his Howard the Duck stories make me wish on him what happened to him.

You're right. Thank you. My brain seized up, as a friend used to say.

That was written after 9/11.

"Head" was specifically a vehicle for the Monkees, so I don't know what you mean. Nicholson was one of the writers, yes.

And also played Gunther Toody (the Fred Gwynn role) in the horrendous movie version of "Car 54, Where Are You?"


I think you had to be there in the '60s for it to register quickly.

Then it did its job.

Sandy shore.

Peter David even made a joke about it in an issue of "The Incredible Hulk."

No. Being slightly confused and disagreeing is hardly the same as cringing.

"Wall of Death" by Richard and Linda Thompson, from "Shoot Out the Lights." This was around 1989. I'd never heard of them and thought the sound might be from John Mellencamp's Americana themed albums. Asked the record store clerk, ordered the album (I wondered, why play something you don't have in stock?), listened to

Pretty sure you are correct. The sets in "Manhunter" are not so vast.

He was the Will Graham of the book, played well by Petersen.

Feel free to escape into that fantasy any time you like.

My largest problem with "Red Dragon" was that Edward Norton, an actor of great energy and presence, seemed tired and dull through most of it.

The average Brit adult has fewer fillings than the average American adult, according to something I read a while back. The difference is that the Brits usually don't bother with braces and whitening.

There is no passage. In the final pages of "Red Dragon," in his hospital bed, Will thinks that his injuries will fend off Molly's anger for a while. End of topic until "SoTL," when Clarice tells Lecter that she's never met Will. She then thinks that she's heard he's a drunk with a face like a Picasso. Any speculation

I realize that they are trying to go more realistic than the comics, but this is the Marvel Universe. They really should consider introducing something closer to "radar sense."