
With his supersenses, he should be able to avoid many more attacks, though.

It was meant to hold his cowl in place, thus the "mullet" the cowl had in the back. Having the collar open didn't make a lot of sense, given the need to retain the cowl.

It is a big ol' honker, which is why the helmet tried to disguise it to a degree.

Disguising Cox's nose is important, though, because he has such a distinctive nose. They need to improve the execution, but the concept is important.

As much as it is hated, the movie leathers looked badass. Certainly, the helmet looked better.

Super balance, not super strength. That supposedly explained the pseudo-gymnastics and his ability to climb so well.

Man Without Fear ends on a two-page spread of him jumping and swinging in multiple images from the yellow-and-red to the through to the red with the more stylized double "D" symbol.

He's wearing lenses over his eyes. They are part of the helmet.


I thought that was just crude.

I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone!

There are four lights.

I own it on VHS.

30 years ago?
Forget it. He's rolling.

And I'm black, and I'm black, and I'm black, y'all.

But did it? Hmm? Perhaps the Wachowskis know something the rest of us don't.

This is largely a humor feature. Apparently, you have no sense of humor.

Yes, that is the issue.


Jeffrey Dahmer was a seriously mentally ill person who did horrible things. He belonged in a mental hospital. Bundy was a monster who loved killing people.