
So yeah theres problems in Chicago, but that dosent give Jussie special privilege or make him above the law. The system of who you know and how well you blow needs to be stomped out what this loser did was egregious.  Also there is absolutely no reason the Obama's needed to intervene, so on that alone I hope they make

Sooo here we are talking about WoW and other OLD games.  Pretty much saying that flawed and problems are habitually badmouthed but no one is offering up corrections.  I'm pretty sure anyone with a game receipt and expectations are going to equate the dollar amount to the quality of the game when in reality they're

Do yourself and future generations a favor in every article you write regarding a color or creed replace the colors with anything but black and white. For example, ‘Purple Caller Crime’. Or Teal lives Matter. You might learn something about yourself.