
Are you still trying to troll me kid?

Yo Mike, I think you might want to back away from Starrlene.
Some of those replies are making me think she might have schizophrenia.
They make for good reading and all, but if you keep taunting a schizophrenic, there is a good chance your actions could get somebody hurt. If she ends up stabbing some random stranger

I know you are but what am I?
Really thats the retort you came up with?

You just gave me a few paragraphs about how its not your fault if people are not smart enough to go research if their company’s boss is a potential evil conservative, then they deserve any repercussions that come from it due to boycotts. Its not a

No prize, or soup for you!

I know plenty about the world around me and take action when it is warranted. Someone with an opposing point of view politically does not warrant my attention or scorn. It might warrant a debate, but that’s about it.

Btw... I didn’t compare you to a conservative in the coalition sense of the

“You must have no life if you can reply in length, get a job.”

If you’re too dumb to be connected to the internet without knowing how to look it up- Or lack interest in something as basic as where your money may come from or who actually pays your bills, which seems to apply to you, then, I guess it’s not an issue.

No one gives a crap about your personal boycott of some product because you find one person in the company that has political views you disagree with? No one here is talking about personal boycotts.

We are talking about the nutters here that are talking about boycotts (large scale) which you at first glance appear to

Come on, you cant actually think this retort was a snappy comeback right?

Do you honestly expect that employees of a company as large as RB are going to know about its owners side hustle in another country? Hell even employees of a smaller business are not going to know about what the owner does with his money outside

Tell Fox News and Laura Ingraham about how well boycotts work.

Takes on to know one.


So basically you are ok with impacting the millions of employees that do agree with your politics in order to shun the one guy with more than enough money to weather any little storm that’s brewed up by this?

Seems logical.

Thats an essay to you?
Man no wonder you fail at reading comprehension. Maybe you should spend a bit more time behind a book, instead of a controller. Seems you aren’t doing yourself any favors.
Took me all of maybe 10 minutes to type all that out while I was bored at work btw, so no waist of time on my end.

Also Ill

Are you still on here trying to claim that your opinion is law, and continuing to fail hard at reading comprehension?

Look kiddo, complex shooters were a thing in the late 90s-00s. Complex hit-box based games were then dethroned by the nonsense shootem in the toe for a kill COD & clones. COD has been dethroned for now

Says you... When will you people understand that your opinions are just that, YOUR OPINION. They are not law, they are not inherently right because you believe them to be truth.

Now back to the point. To start off, I did specifically state that it should be a seperate game model. You know so you would have a choice

You mean, like the hit player would maybe hobble with said damage, forcing the strategy for that player to change due to a decrease in movement speed. Sounds fun to me, add a hardcore mode to the game and let those that want that kind of damage model play in there.

He’s from not the south.

Hole in the wall is always the best.
You just know that their skillet ain’t never been cleaned. Its got at least 20 years of grease baked right into it.

You mean pretty much any restaurant outside of Louisiana, and maybe a few areas next door along the gulf coast?

This is a very important but underrecognized aspect of soul food. Southern cuisine uses vegetable or canola oil whenever a dish requires frying. But to be considered soul food, it must be fried in grease that someone saved from the last time you made the dish.

Na, Im much more likely to call you a cunt if you upset me. Though Im not supposed to use that word either.

Wait does that mean I finally fall into the 1% of something?